Over the past few days things on antidote changed. I've been playing it and fixing it and here is a small update of changes.
polish. some areas in the map were very plain encluding the interior of the Antidote bulding. changes here:
-Antidote building has more cover for zombies and movable crates to block some entances.
-added trash piles across the map for atmosphere.
-Originally you could hide under the cranes in the Jungle pit but was to unfair for zombies so now there are invisable blockers in there to stop that problem.
-Lighting in the Jungle pit was very dark and hard to see with all the foliage. added a dim lighting in there to sort this out. (look at the Image at bottom to see this)
More is on the way but there is one distraction...
The Spartan company We Need Achillies17 just unlocked the Achilles body armor last night so that put a lot of this Polish for the next update. There was going to be a little more but I was freaking out about this! More updates soon and I'm thinking of recreating a classic reach custom!(if it has not been already) See you all soon. -KINGCREEPER96