1. bugfix / mini update - 6/23/2016

    so this is bug fix number 1! this is more a mini update because its new stuff but only half the size of my regular updates. lets begin:
    -added a slight brown tang to the green fog for dust to look better (very hard to see)
    antidote bugfix  3.png
    -changed some of the vans colour on the road. (can see better in game)
    antidote bugfix  2.png
    -added more scenery to the pelican platform
    antidote bugfix 1.png
    -removed some grass for better performance.
    and that's the mini update and or bugfix. there was going to be a skybox change from the clear sunny day to the overcast but caused way to many lighting glitches for the map so I scraped it. On another note I just wanted to say thank you to Ascend Hyperion for his review and making this mini update more possible and what needed attention on Antidote. You see if reviews say something needs to be done ill be sure to get it done if at all possible. as I stated before the more feedback and reviews I can get the more of these types of updates can release. now I think I should address this but news updates have 2 purposes for this map. 1: the name explains most of this point but it will tell you about future projects, things in the "workshop" and if I'm still alive or not. 2:bumbs the map on home page so more people can notice the map and download it. my goals for Antidote is to create an infection map that is fun and good looking, have it on a youtube showcase from forge labs as an example, and to even have it in the official 343 infection playlist on halo 5. seeing this map get popular gives me more encouragement for antidote and is amazing! this is my most successful infection map yet out of my other 2 I have made. And is really exciting to see where it may end up. please don't hold back on feedback and you can maybe expect a news update soon. Thank you for the support of this map and as I all ways say there is more on the way! -KINGCREEPER96
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