Antagonist - 1v1

1v1 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Korlash
    Hello Everyone!
    This is my first time posting a map with Forgehub's new system, and currently I think it's awesome! If there is anything I am missing with regard to my post, please let me know. I don't have a youtube video, but I will be posting and xboxclip below.
    Anyways, I'll try being brief here. This map is an asymmetric, room-based map heavily inspired by the map design that exists in Quake as well as Halo CE. It features 3 rooms (red, blue, green), a large atrium with a small, sheltered room of its own, and a hallway connecting red to blue (colored purple). Multiple power weapons are featured on this map to create a wider diversity of gameplay, and are also on static timers to keep the game flowing and players moving.
    Lastly, there is a teleporter deep in the atrium that ports you to top blue.
    The weapons are as follows:
    <li>Rocket Launcher - 0 spare clips, 120s; Does NOT spawn at start!</li>
    <li>Sniper Rifle - 0 spare clips, 60s</li>
    <li>Silenced SMG - 0 spare clips, 60s</li>
    <li>Brute Plasma Rifle - 30s</li>
    <li>Covenant Carbine - default clips, 30s</li>
    <li>Overshield - 60s</li>
    <li>Active Camo - 90s</li>
    <li>Plasma Grenades (x4) - 15s ; Two pairs</li>
    Each of the weapons and powerups spawn on static timers. I included the carbine so it wasn't left out of the bunch.
    You can see a video of the map and the weapon layout here:
    My gamertag is Korlash823. Add me as a friend or favorite me. Then to find my file share through the campaign leaderboards, go to [Time> Halo 2> High Charity (easy/solo)> Display Friends/Favorites]. You should be able to find me here and have access to my file share.
    If there is anything I did wrong and you can't find my file share, please let me know ASAP. I am very new to this way of file share navigation.
    I wanted to thank all my testers before I forget.
    This is a map I am submitting to Forgehub's 1v1 map contest. However, I may alter this thread for promoting this map for different number'ed games as well. Nonetheless, enjoy the map and leave any feedback/comments below!
    WAR likes this.


  1. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    I'm slightly hesitant to voice my feedback on this map, just because I'm sure you have a much better understanding of the design than I do. Plus, believe it or not I've never played any of the previous versions of this map.

    Anyway, here's my feedback (take it with a grain of salt).
    While I enjoyed my 1v1's on here, I came away feeling like it would be a better fit for 2v2's. Though I'm sure it varies depending upon play styles, my games on here invariably turned into one player collecting Snipe and OS and the other player collecting Camo and Rockets, with neither player engaged the other until they had at least 2 of the power items on the map.

    I think this could be avoided by moving the OS and the Rockets. Moving OS slightly towards the center of the map so it's on the corner directly above Rockets would make it slightly more vulnerable. My main complaint is with the Rockets though. I really dislike their placement (for 1v1 in particular). I feel like their natural position is on the corner opposite where I suggested placing OS (close to where the suppressed SMG is currently placed). This places OS and Rockets in directly contesting positions, with the Rockets at a height disadvantage. The fact that OS is always spawning at the same time Rockets spawn makes this an even better fit.

    The current Rocket location feels fairly useless (I realize this is intended). Removing Rockets from this position would allow a more direct and smooth connection between Red and Blue. I'd even consider extending blue and red further towards each other (opening them up and shortening the path between them rather than having a longish, winding path connecting them). I also wouldn't mind seeing a ramp added from bottom mid which connects to this pathway between red and blue, since there's currently no hard route from the bottom level on that half of the map.
    Korlash likes this.
  2. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    @a Chunk

    Nah, don't be hesitant to leave feedback on this map; the layout is still something you're capable of analyzing. The map has hardly changed strictly because of the lack of feedback and popularity, though also me not knowing how to improve the map. I re-shaped it to the point it's at now after a really deformed beta version I first forged in Reach (which was free-styled). From there, I messed with the weapon layout and routes / teleporters as I ported it from game to game (Halo Reach to H4 to H2A).

    Deciding the weapon locations probably stressed me out the most when porting this map to H2A (OS included); the map isn't quite large enough for what I wanted. My decision with Rockets came from trying to apply fundamentals. My intent with rockets were to place them in a location where they would be hard to escape with (especially by being baited), and more importantly, hard to push from. The outside part of purple seemed to suit that idea well because it was immediately threatened by sniper or grenades, and requires patience to safely make it to the top. I thought area you suggested for rockets would be too powerful of a location to hold rockets, as well as being too close to camo.

    I sort of agree on your points about purple. This map was originally made during the Reach ZBNS times, where the objects were of smaller scale and players moved much faster (at 120%). I realized how big these rooms and halls actually were when watching my xbox clip; hilariously bad. I am also starting to feel that the LoS from Green to Purple is too long as well. I would like to address all these things (including a new hard route from bottom mid) in a reforge, but I simply don't know how to go about it. I'm about ready to retire the map.

    2v2 is likely the most appropriate player count for this map, but I attempted this for 1v1 because players are rather forced to expose themselves in the middle at one point or another, making it fast enough to say the least.
    #3 Korlash, Mar 27, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2015
    TheElderAcorn likes this.

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