
4v4 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Syncore
    Although its simplicity isn’t the most visually appealing. Anomaly has some very nostalgic game-feel that bring in a very dynamic experience. It’s totally original and unique and sports a few Easter eggs to uncover. Anomaly also has a teleporting system around the map to reduce the consequences of parkour failure as it’s a big part of the maps navigation. Slayer, super fiesta, oddball, or strongholds is probably the best suited modes for this map. Multi-team gametypes are also highly recommended.
    ZombieDyer likes this.


  1. Ryouji Gunblade

    Ryouji Gunblade Legendary

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    With the right shift in aesthetics this could be a Vault of Glass map.
    K a n t a l o p e and ZombieDyer like this.

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