3v3 Slayer

Map Description

  1. ARC1T3CTZ
    • So im going to be posting all of my random maps I have , some are more finished than others ...but some are dog and some are cat ahaha so u no..
    • This was a map that i never got around to polishing as much as I would have liked to.
    • Literally had it sitting in my files for a lot more u will soon c
    • If there are issues with the map keep it to your self ahahahahh only joking yeh let me no although most of the maps just like this one that I will post from now all will have some issues.
    • I'm just posting what I have as I'm not on xbox any more........
    • Some maps will be for public use and some won't I let u no in the short Map description which is public


  1. ARC1T3CTZ

    ARC1T3CTZ Heroic

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    P.s apologies for the bad screen shots, there the only ones I had :(:poop:
  2. Ryouji Gunblade

    Ryouji Gunblade Legendary

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    Have you tried more color variety? You might be able to throw on some more purples, browns, or oranges.
    BlackStoneJeweL and ZombieDyer like this.
  3. ARC1T3CTZ

    ARC1T3CTZ Heroic

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    Yeh the maps got a few brown stripes here and there but these are the only screenshots I can access which suksssss as I'm not on xbox any more,
    Lol the screenshots are garbage I knowwwwwww lololol :D

    I think the actual Map looks a bit better. But hay we do what we can with what we have...
  4. BlackStoneJeweL

    BlackStoneJeweL Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Dude i can already tell from the screenshots that this map is going to have an interesting layout! I'm excited to check it out, can't wait to see the pathways I'm lead into with these grasping esthetics!

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