1. The Grim Dealer
    The Grim Dealer
    Version: 4.0
    Ancestor is possibly one of the better maps you will find in rotation in H5's BTB playlist. The way the map weaves players in and out of the vehicle path is my favorite aspect of Ancestor's design, as it creates some intense vehicle on infantry moments that you don't see on any other map currently in the playlist.

    I'm also a big fan of the ways the central structure allows players to outplay their opponents in some crazy ways. I've been in some intense situations where I and my opponent used the geometry here to try and outmaneuver one another during 1v1's, and it never fails to entertain.

    However, one gripe I've always had with the map is how heavy the weapon/vehicle set is relative to the map size. Sometimes it can feel like you're in an endless spawn cycle, trying to overcome a large number of heavy weapons and vehicles occupying a smaller space than the typical map that would feature such a diverse set of weapons and vehicles would have. Ancestor would be an easy 5/5 from me, if not for that reason.
  2. lNeedMoreBleach
    Version: 4.0
    Absolutely great map. without a doubt an impressive achievement to create such a well playing map around such a difficult structure.

    The map is also well art'd and balanced. The control room structure is dead on.

    The maps weapon set, vehicle set is enjoyable and well thought out. They complement the map well.
  3. N3gat1veZer0
    Version: 3.4
    Truly one of, if not, the best map in the btb rotation right now. I've been following this map since its conception. Didn't really like it at first and thought it was too ambitious. However, the authors have put forth an incredible amount of effort into making this map what it is today and proving me wrong. Everything about the map feels like it has purpose. The biggest reason I love this map so much is because of how unique it is, both in terms of looks and play. It stands out like a sore thumb amongst other btb maps and fits right in Halo's sandbox so perfectly. The banshee works well on the map, the wraith gameplay is fun, the map's got some crazy verticality to it, but it pulls it off so well and professionally. CTF is a party and a half on this map.
  4. Connie
    Version: 3.4
    This map was released over a year ago and yet it still remains at the forefront of the BTB experience. Ancestor is the only current MM map that I STILL see played in Custom Game lobbies and there are three simple reasons I can boil it down to. First is the uniqueness of it's design when compared to other H5 BTB maps. Like I said, it's a year old and yet it still manages to deliver exciting encounters and interesting gameplay with it's stand-out design that is unmatched by any other BTB map of a similar nature. The Spire-meets-Valhalla flow towards wanting to maintain control of the middle structure is essential in planning EVERY route on this map, and I think it manages to do so perfectly. Next we have the obvious nostalgia factor. Would this map still be fantastic without the timeless and immediately recognizable aesthetic? Yes, of course, but would it appeal to that nostalgia-center your brain loves to release dopamine from? Not likely. Very few forgers can boast about taking an iconic campaign space and turning it into a remarkable multiplayer map. (See: ALL of Reach...) Lastly we have achieved quite an incredible sense of balance on this map that is absent from a lot of other BTB experiences. That isn't to say that other BTB maps need to IMPROVE their sandbox, as most deliver exactly what is intended, but not many maps are able to correctly balance an aerial vehicle, two tanks, several hogs and ghosts against a single Spartan Laser as the main power weapon. This sense of balance didn't happen overnight, which is apparent by D4rk's sweaty updates! What I think sets apart Ancestor's balance, however, isn't the sandbox, but (circling back to exhibit A) the unique structure of the map. Holding the elevated layered central structure taking up most of the map allows for counters to just about anything thrown at you without making you an all-seeing ever-growing nuisance. All in all, this review is long overdue for a map that pushed the boundaries of traditional BTB with it's structure, aesthetics and balance, all of which circle back to one key thing; that damned Control Room!
    1. D4rkDeath
      Author's Response
      Wow! Thanks for this, that was quite a review! I'm happy you like the map so much!
  5. CFA Ambersan
    CFA Ambersan
    Version: 3.0
    Here's to my first review on ForgeHub.

    It was a great experience seeing Ancestor evolve over time into this Narrows/ "Control Room" hybrid. The new bridge allows for more efficient routes to counter the opposition, which is my favorite part of the map. I've always wanted to see a tight gameplay-based map such as this. It gives you that feeling like you are the "king of the hill". Sadly, that gametype does not exist [yet], because it would play tremendously well given the difference in heights. There would be so many places to go to.

    The gameplay is top-notch in CTF and Strongholds. Teams will have a struggle to get the objective to their respective bases, which is how it always should be. The specific weapons and vehicle placement on the map justifies that and allows for some smooth gameplay. Personally, strongholds holds a deep place in my heart for Ancestor.

    Ancestor brings a whole new meaning to nostalgia. With every step on the battlefield, you feel as if you are emerged into the past campaigns of Halo that were used for inspiration towards this map. As I said in a party chat once with D4rkDeath and Weeeeemann; when someone goes up one of the gravity lifts to the control room pyramid, it makes me remember what it's like to have the Flood coming from every direction in the final level of Halo 3. A simple use of a few gravity lifts put that thought in my mind instantly.

    It was an honor testing this map out from time to time with you guys. I would love to see this in matchmaking!

    My only complaint: Too much awesomeness.
  6. Hitbox Unknown
    Hitbox Unknown
    Version: 2.3
    Has an amasing level of polish! Never did it feel like a forged map, the terrain is natural and the forunner designs are just smooth. Though not breath taking, the astetics are nice, crisp and not too showy. Plus the fact that the nostalgia of halo 3's last mission hits me like a train whenever im climbing the middle structure, just feels good.

    Now the gameplay is better than i expected. I love vehicles, and the fact that this map has not only has 9 (or more) vehicles, but every vehicle feels good. At first i was afraid that all the vehicle gameplay would be trapped at the bottom moving in a circle. But the warthogs can squeeze thier way through most of the caves for suprize attacks and sneaky get aways.

    I also love the placement of the banshee its in the middle of the map in an open area. Great for quick rushes at the beginning of the game. By the way the pathing for the banshee is by far my favorite i feel like if there was not a spartan lazer i could stay alive in the same banshee the whole game!

    My favorite moment on this map is when me and my teamates are climing the side of the structure to gain control of the top.
    Again its that nostalgic climb to the top from halo 3 that gets me.

    Another note is the bases team spawning areas are well taken care of. There is plenty of cover to defend and the sloping of the terrain makes it hard for a wraith to spawn camp. Oh and there is also a splinter turret which is surprizingly good at destroying vehicles.

    All in all i like this map, if asked what should change with the map...my simple awnswer would be "nothing"
    Version: 2.3
    I am been honoured to help somewhat shape the way the map turned out, and I'm grateful that I was brought back after the rocky start (still think the map needs an enforcer ;) ) but enough of that onto Ancestor. Ancestor is one if not the best forge maps I have played on. The gameplay is just so quick and actionpacked I can not remember a time that I was not in a confrontation with another player and the vehicle gameplay is so fluid. Now the forging on the map is something else the ascetics on the map are on par with most developer maps, it just hits me right in the nostalgia, and the terrain is so smooth it feels as if it's not forged but real. This map deserves more than it's getting from 343 I know the map is made for Magnum and AR starts but this should have been in the BTB refresh it leagues beyond most of the maps in matchmaking. Well done (round of applause)
  8. Portaleer
    Version: 2.3
    Creating memorable spaces across the Halo universe and building on certain nostalgia is essential to how successful Halo has become today; multiplayer and campaign alike. This Big Team Battle map is both an art in reinventing a classic environment pivotal to Halo's story and grounding that experience into the heat of Halo 5's multiplayer experience. Nicely done, the both of you!
  9. SquatchMacDaddy
    Version: 2.2
    I created an account just to give this map a 5 star rating. I was invited to try out this map and I have to say, it's probably the best map I've played in a long time! I highly recommend you download this and play it with your friends.
  10. Murloc
    Version: 2.2
    This map is beautiful! The gameplay is intense! It brings the nostalgia, however it is missing Jason Jones in a corner. Would love to see this in matchmaking!