1. Omnificence
    Version: 3.0
    This is the kind of math that's fun for Slayer but can also be entered just to look around in. High marks fun and Aesthetics.
  2. ArturBloodshot
    Version: 3.0
    The crazy aesthetics of this map are awesome. There's an incredible diversity of details and immersive dislays., no dount about it. Gameplay it's fun sometimes, the layout on the middle is quite balanced but the perimeter ares are almost useless, breaking the flow of the game. I've read this map is kinda an experiment and I admire the artistic intention.
  3. William Worrell
    William Worrell
    Version: 3.0
    This map definitely is good for what it is. This map should only be played for fun purposes and nothing more.

    Its true that there really is no core focus to the map or any control over it. The map itself is true to what it is and looks really nice.

    Its shiny and random and feel that if Willy wonka made a Halo 5 map, this would be the end result. Good job, keep it up!
    Version: 3.0
    Awesome map . Looks and plays great. CTF is ok but team slayer, fiesta slayer and FFA are def the best game modes for this maps. I thought the basement area was an odd area because there doesn't seem to be a reason to go down there in and game mode other than stronghold. But it's still one of the best forged maps I've bookmarked.