It is what it is, a maze. You spawn at Olive the Pig and have to find Timmy the Whale at the end of the maze. There are no traps, the maze doesn't change while you're in it, and it is not impossible to solve. It's just a giant maze. Enjoy!
I will delve into this maze and conquer it with Timmy and Olive at my side as we slowly but surely rule the stars! However, there's no real objective here, once completed once the maze becomes redundant and has no replaybility, May i suggest you block off the exits and make a predator style game-type? With a little fog and darkness, this could make for a creative and spooky Minotaur styled map. And also taking a picture of a birds eye view of the maze has just gave me the solution to the puzzle xD
I might modify it and make it a Minotaur map once Infection comes out. Also the bird's-eye view is just for you to see how big the maze is, don't look at it for a very long.