Alhuza Crossing

8v8 Strongholds

Map Description

  1. Pedaeus
    Alhuza Crossing is a mountainous map themed off of the battlefield 3 map Alborz Mountains.
    Alhuza is designed for big team battle objective modes; the gravel road is the main thoroughfare for all vehicles making it easier to traverse throughout the map with ease. On the other hand, players are advised to stay to away from the road; it will make you too exposed. Nonetheless, the objective locations such as the central base and both team outpost will serve as a closer range player to player combat.
    Many weapons and vehicles are placed throughout the map. Both blue and red outposts consist of similar weapons, as well as two gungeese and a standard Warthog. Whereas the crossing has one rocket hog, one gauss hog, and two weapon pads. Lastly, the central base has weapons that can serve for many roles and a scorpion tank, that can possibly turn the tide if used properly.
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