Custom gametype won't show up in my content browser on waypoint, so it is called Alestorm and my GT is KIKOBitran.
After making 2 pirate ship themed maps, and rewatching Pirates of the Carribean more than I'd like to admit, I finally forged what is in my opinion, the most aesthetically pleasing, technically impressive, and incredibly fun piratey exprience.
In Alestorm (Indeed named after folk-pirate metal band of the same name), red and blue teams spawn on an empty island, in the middle of which, a destructable pirate ship (modeled mostly after the Sea of Thieves galleon). Using mancannons scattered across the island, the opposing teams will board the ship in order to obtain and hold the Oddball skull, located in the captain's cabin. But there is more to the ship than the precious skull - power weapons are scattered across the different decks, mainmast and bow. for further control: 7 cannons located on each side of the ship.
Players may return to the island after boarding the ship, as long as they don't miss and drown of couse. they can also access the main mast by interacting with the rope ladders on the sides of the ship, and then using the ladder above to reach the crow's nest. Other than the captain's cabin, and a few walls here and there, the entire ship is destructable. Use it to your advantage to traverse the different decks quicker and to sink any objects the enemy may deem useful, but be careful not to slip and fall to the depths!
In the Alestorm gamemode, everyone spawns with the infected energy sword and 2 grenades, and have access to all spartan abllities. The slight difference is that Ground pound does only 10% damage, so it can be used for positioning but not so much for attacking. Also, scoring is not purely dependent on the Oddball skull. holding the skull will score the team a point only every 3 seconds, but kills score points as well. A nav marker is constantly on the Skull and it's carrier. It think it is best with 4v4, but works well with less people as well. I found that any more will cause slower performance, but if you don't have such issue I'd like to hear about it
Now I am well aware it would be awesome to have 2 destructible ships fighting each other at sea, or making the ship drivable. I tried and I can't. the first one is not possible since the ship, even with none of the decorations, cannons or masts on it, already takes up more than half the object budget limit. As for making it drivable, I'm not sure whether the amount of objects welded to a single vehicle is the problem or anything else, but I tried and it does not work. I acknowledge how fun those would be, but I think the gamemode I created for it is super fun and carries the pirate theme and spirit in a uniqe and enjoyable way. With that said, feedback is much appreciated!