
3v3 Slayer

Map Description

  1. FRED lllll
    "This mine was abandoned long ago. The supplies were left behind and you are trapped inside"

    Welcome to Abyss, a map inspired from the mineshafts you find in old MMO games and Dungeon crawlers. Dodge sticky spiderwebs and the large chasms as you fight each other in an elaborate dance throughout the map. This map follows a very basic tri-lane map layout with two side routes and one middle lane with a few differences. The maps combat is very interesting, going from very short and level to extremely long and vertical gameplay in a matter of seconds. I hope you all enjoy this as much as I did!
    Deevius Bone and SgtSlaphead like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. Just tried this map out last night, I think it is a ton of fun for FFA! Aesthetically extremely pleasing, prob in my top 10, totally thought I was in a mine shaft from my own imagination. And, I really like the Reach grenade launcher, I think its a good weapon to have when you're in the large open area trying to cover the cave entrance above and nearby. I think the only thing I would change would be to make the hallway with the mine carts a bit bigger, just for more strafing.... but thats a real minor thing! keep up the good work


  1. SgtSlaphead

    SgtSlaphead Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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