Absolute Zero

8v8 Capture the Flag

Map Description

  1. qrrby
    This map started out all exploded like, but it looked way too bulky (I've provided before and after shots). The map was inspired by a reach map I never got tested and was ecstatic to bring it into halo 5 mechanics. Power weapons are a sniper due to the long sight lines in the tunnels and the verticality in the bases, and an incineration cannon to encourage the ghost user of the map to think twice about blasting by any tight corners. Only supports ffa at the moment, (due to V-Day being.... Now) but will support all basic game types after I get some feedback for tweaks and what not. The bases feature a switch operated teleporter to direct your team to the east towards camo or west towards cannon(the cannon itself needing to be unlocked by a podium exposed on 3 sides). And of course some new function with scripts! Elevators at each base and some pipes that go up and down to force you to time the man cannon jump to cannon podium. Download at your friendly neighborhood gamer tag Qrrbrbirbei and look for Absolute Zero in my bookmarks! I hope ya'll like it! (okay so pics tomorrow when I figure out how to dl my screens hots x_x)
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  1. qrrby

    qrrby Waggly piece of flesh
    Senior Member

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    Qrrbrbirbel updated Absolute Zero with a new update entry:

    Absolute Zero 1.2

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  2. TheUNSCVeteran

    TheUNSCVeteran Legendary

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  3. qrrby

    qrrby Waggly piece of flesh
    Senior Member

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    OMG uh I'm famouse *squeeee*
    TheUNSCVeteran likes this.

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