I always thought Abandoned was a map with a lot of potential, but due to the object limit and my inexperience at the time I originally made the map, it never had really lived up to its potential until now. With this update (which is really several updates that I have done to the map over the past 2 or 3 months) I have changed the layout, visuals, spawning, weapons, and overall gameplay of the map. I have added and moved buildings around slightly. But more importantly, I have drastically changed the interior of most buildings to better support the 8v8 slayer / parkour style gameplay. The buildings all have much more detail and each one looks different now. However it is still a destroyed city on a glassed planet, so while there is much more detail, I am still keeping true to the theme. There are changes to the weapons and vehicles. There is no banshee anymore and there are now shotguns and a saw. Spawning has been improved with several more spawn points in various locations. There are more vehicles, as well as fallen pieces of rubble in the streets for cover and to show that the city was once alive. And last I changed the lighting to give it a more gritty, abandoned city effect.