CASTLE CONQUEST Made by bam3214 DESCRIPTION This map resembles some D-Day maps, however, i wanted to make sure that it wasnt just the usual "how many times can i die before i get lucky and make it across while they're reloading" type of D-Day map. THIS IS NOT LIKE THAT. getting to territory one and two, which are out side of the castle, is actually very easy. Its the close quarters and mid range battles of the castle that all the action takes place. Territory three will be very difficult at first, but when the defenders use up all the good guns and are stuck with BRs and ARs, you have a better chance. but only until the guns respawn territory four is the exact location the defenders spawn, and it is the hardest. but if you manage to get it, its almost a package deal getting territory 5, unless of course they have mad BR skills and can take you out before the 3 sec cap time is up. this is a one sided territories game. the capture times are three seconds, and the defenders cant take them back because they lock. WEAPONS LISTS (all clips are default) attackers get: 2x mongooses 90 sec 1x brute shot 90 sec 2x snipers 120 sec 5x BRs 30 sec 1 regenerator 60 sec 2x bubble shields 60 sec 2x plasma nades 30 sec 1x needler 90 sec 1x mauler 30 sec 1x shotty 120 sec defenders get: 2x snipers 150 sec 2x splasers 90 sec 2x BRs 60 sec 1x Carbines 90 sec 4x plasma nades 60 sec 1x needler 90 sec 1x rocket launcher 150 sec 1x turret never respawns 1x missile pod 180 sec 1x trip mine 90 sec 1x flame nade 90 sec weapons in the castle that anyone can easily get: 1x brute shot 90 sec 2x carbine 90 sec 2x frags 60 sec 1x shotty 120 sec 1x bubble shield 60 sec 2x SMGs 30 sec THROUGHOUT MANY TESTING GAMES, HAVING LESS WEAPONS MADE THE TEAMS UNEVEN. THIS AMOUNT OF WEAPONS IS PERFECT SIZE FOF THE MAP. YOU MAY ALSO NOTICE, THAT THERE IS ONE OF ALOT OF WEAPONS. FOR VARIETY Lets start the pics, shall we? [/img] Map: CASTLE CONQUEST Gametype - NEED THIS TOO!! Castle Conquest Territories Gametype Made by bam3214
This looks like it could be fun so I'll have to download. I always liked the idea of objective checkpoints for a progressive style map so I'll have to sxee how well it plays. However this is not conquest so your title prefix is misleading and needs changing.
imho i would consider it a conquest. but w/e. i changed the prefix but i think i will be keeping the maps title as castle conquest because there are so many castle maps out there
I had this exact idea a while ago and started forging it and got fairly far, but haven't posted yet. I guess I'll delete it now. Well very good map with some nice, clean forging. Good job.