I was thinking about making Citadel, except this wouldn't be a crap map. I want peoples opinions on the matter. I'm sure I will be able to pull it off, weapons, equipment, accurate layout, etc, but I want to know where it should be built. I definitly can't enclose it, the map is too large, but maybe I could partially enclose the map, especially the main room. What do you all think of this? One last thing I would like to ask is whether you all would download if I pulled this off sucessfully. Oh, and if it should be built from the ground up (of course it will if you suggest I create it in the skybubble)
Not sure about that sentence, so you're saying Citadel is crap? If so, learn to play something before you give judgment. Anyway, my opinion on where you should make it is the crypt. You won't need to make a floor as you would in the skybubble and if you build it in one of the corners you could use the crypt walls as a wall for your map. Crypt saves resources that you can use to make your map the best that it can be.
I said the forging wouldn't be crap. I'll consider building against one of the walls, but it really wouldn't save too many resources seeing that I'm planning an accurate remake and not a sketch. Thanks for the comment and sorry for the misunderstanding.
Yep, but it's accuracy was laughable because it was based around one picture. Now that the gameplay videos are out and about, Im pretty confident that I could get the original weapon layout right. The previous attempt already uses the Name Citadel, so Im thinking of making the name into Solitidel. Not sure if that's a good premake name or not.
I know how you could keep some parts open. Build the whole map on the outside of sandbox about the height of sky bubble and have the open parts designed a bit like the covenant towers (the platforms on the outside where you land) then keep it so if your in gameplay, the towers cannot shoot you (so have sheild doors about mid way between the tower and the "veiwing deck" so you cannot get shot but if you jump of the deck then the towers can still shoot you...) Just a thought.
Thanks for the thought. I don't want it exactly open, considering citadel is actually 100% enclosed. So far fromwhat I can gather, I could be best off making the map while using two walls from the crypt. Though so far I can forsee that there will be tons of geomerging because of Citadel's design.
you can if you want to,but i dont see the point,we will have it in a month anyways. I think you should wait until then and see how the gameplay works
I think though that it would be amazing if I could get an amazing pre release map ot to everyone that actually matches the real map that Bungie will be handing up.
I can get a great Idea about the map from gameplay videos, considering that the map is symmetrical, I only need to build one side. The same goes for the weapons and equipment. The videos give a decent idea about this as well. I would just need further research on this to get it as accurate as possible.
You can't make it to scale (The height variations in the walking areas and all that) I tried making it off of the one picture and basing my layout around the lift ares in the campaign map The Covenant. You won't be able to do it unless you remove all the height variations (The ones besides the base and ramps and such) I'm mainly talking about the middle area.
What about the fact that you can geomerge? I was thinking, the middle area of the original map would be the normal floor of the crypt. Then the next section, or height variance, is the thickness of two walls above the normal ground. The next height variance is half a block thick FROM the second height, and the final section is roughly a block tall, though there is the less major back part of this so called highest area. Thus, the main room would need geomerged wedge larges to make the middle structure, geomerged stone bridges to make the ramp up to the wall x2 thickness in the next floor, and finally, My other geomerges would have to do with obelisks, adding on a bit of height. What do you think about this? Is it too of a tall order?
I took time to actually map out what the map would be to scale and the highest point to where it over looks the middle is about 1 1/2 blocks. Heres how it goes Very middle main floor, outer ring of middle is about 2-3 walls first ramp up goes to 1 block then the base is 1 1/2 but the backside of the base where the big ramp goes up is about 1 3/3-2 blocks tall. By all means go for it I mean I attempted it but I soon gave up because of the size and scale is almost impossible to get right and to be able to wall off the map.
I'm sure it's possible. I'll Attempt it, and if it doesn't come up right, Ill blend it up and say the middle and outer ring was taken from Citadel and explain that the rest were built around it. I never meant that this project is very possible to do. Hell, if I fail, Ill still be a happy guy. Walling it in won't be too big of a problem. Maybe.