MidRidge Tunnel Brand new map just created. This map took about eight hours to make. And I hope you enjoy it! Rate, download and discuss. Video YouTube - MidRidge Tunnel~~~By khala warrior55 Pics Spoiler Normal Pics Spoiler Action shots! Spoiler Thx for viewing! Download HERE
Very nice, seems a lil short but it looks like a nice circuit just one thing, don't put on FX cause oftenly they just hurt the eyes.
Overall, this map is ok at best. Interlocking is not that smooth or clean and some of the roads are uneven. If you cleaned it up a bit it would look a lot nicer. While some of the aesthetics are good, I see that some of the turns spiraling downward are very sloppy. I give it a 4.5/10.
i agree with him a little short but nicely mad including the teleporter loop!very nice looks great a dl asap from me
Looks a little bumpy but still looks like a decent track. The kill ball has no real purpose and is a little bright so I would delete it, but still it's a good track. I would keep the fx. I'll give it a 3/5. Keep forging you will only get better at it and make cooler maps.
This track is not smooth at all. Although the bridge looks nice. I have to suggest also, to make the checkpoint uncheatable. It looks like you can just go through the gap in between them. Anyway, there is a rendered vid on Bnet on how to make smooth tracks, I'll go search it for you. EDIT: Sorry, I was unsuccessful.
OMFG cake! This map ACTUALLY has a jump!!!! Thanks for adding that unlike otherwise bland maps thats all about 'Oooh! I like.....Only the banked turns...Yeah....' PhaiL!!