Call of Duty 4 Variety map pack.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Robbo, Apr 7, 2008.

  1. the other dark

    the other dark Ancient
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    I dunno, the courtyard is half the map. That seems like a lot to me.

    I'm not trying to pick a fight or anything, just making making a point.
  2. ak1knight

    ak1knight Ancient
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    but COD4 has 16 maps out of the box so even if only half aren't from single player that's still 8 maps, and also just because they are from single player doesn't mean they aren't fun.
  3. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    A half that people rarely use.

    I never said they weren't fun, I just wished they made more original maps such as Creek.
  4. Deathlycobra

    Deathlycobra Ancient
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    Chinatown is great (Cant beat the classics!) Creek is nice, Broadcast is O.K. and Killhouse I cant really tell, (only played it once for like 2 minutes) And besides, maps arnt suppose to bring people back, it suppose to entertain the people who still play it, bring people back is a bonus!
  5. the other dark

    the other dark Ancient
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    Your right, nobody ever really uses that area, but it still there.

    I also wish more maps were a bit more original. Creek is probably one of my favorite maps now.
  6. Jebus1001

    Jebus1001 Ancient
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    I haven't really played them yet... I only played killhouse at my friend's house and it was pretty lame, it didn't really have any potential, it was like Foundry with 2 double boxes on either end and a few walls in between. Not very interesting...
  7. TrueBlue Wolf

    TrueBlue Wolf Ancient
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    Yah I got the map packs and I can definetly say they were not worth the money which I should've seen coming. Ten bucks for 4 maps is not even worth it especially since there isn't much of any new game elements like I was wanting. I wanted like a giant open level trees and a few building etc. or a giant flat or hilly forest with nothing but trees and maybe a handful of houses which was what I wanted from Countdown. No it just seems like you're always funneled into certain areas with lots of action which can be fun, but I want to make my own areas of action not just be forced to go into them. Also nothing feels very new with these map, it just all seems like more of the same. At least with Halo 3 maps, you get a few different gaming elements. My opinion... don't get that map pack, it isn't worth it.
  8. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    Ok, I've finally got the maps so here are my opinions on them.

    This map is very big and a completly unique design from any other map of CoD4 yet. I like the setting; woods but not to many trees. Now I've only played this map three times and everyone keeps saying it is a sniping map. Everytime I go to snipe though, I can't find anyone. Up on the spine thing, you can sort of see the area with the few buildings but from where I snipe there always seems to be a tree in my way that prohibits my vision. There is one house that you can go into the atic and climb onto the roof from there that seems like it would be good sniping. It sort of is, you get an alright view of the ridge and can see some of the Trench, I just never can find anybody though.
    Overall: 7/10

    This map, has the broadcast station along with an outdoors area with a few buildings. I have to say that I love those buildings. One of them is awesome for sniping people that are on the little open-area on top of the station and you can see into very large windows that allow you to see many people as soon as they are on the second floor of that part of the station. I don't really stay inside the station very much so I can't really give an opinion on combat in there.
    Overall: 8/10

    This map takes place in a very urban China town. There are a lot of buildings and seem to be a lot of turrets. I enjoy the turrets because they can view certain choke points but can be attacked from windows if they become a problem. I really have a problem sniping in this map but I don't think it was meant for sniping.
    Overall: 6/10

    Have not played yet, all I really play is Team Deathmatch and I guess this map is way to small for that.
  9. opothehippo

    opothehippo Ancient
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    Is the map pack worth it? I just want to get your opinions before I go waste ten bucks.
  10. Deathlycobra

    Deathlycobra Ancient
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    Overall, it is not a MUST HAVE download, but if you got the cash, you should buy it. The maps are not entirely awesome, but there fun to play.
    #30 Deathlycobra, Apr 13, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2008
  11. Hashmeer

    Hashmeer Ancient
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    I hate creek, but i love broadcast

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