yesterday my friend and i were looking at forge maps and he said that merging is gay so i showed him itz fuzzywigs work and valoruss's work he still said it was gay so please tell me what i should say
First of all using the word gay in a derogatory matter isn't acceptable here at Forgehub. We respect all people and I'm sure some people here don't like the way your friend describes geo merging as gay. That's just immature on your friends part and if anything your friend is saying that due to the fact he probably doesn't know how to geo merge. I don't think a thread was neccessary either to ask other people what to say to your friend, you should of been able to come up with something your self to say to him.
Pointless thread is pointless. :lock: ? I really dont see why thins was made? How are we going to change your friends oppinion on it ?
Are you serious maybe you should learn How to spell it is spelled like this [sup]Maybe[/sup]. And Like AGamer said don't use that word. So you go ahead and use it and make a reply.
No But this is a large community that at least 100 people could find that offensive and you are just keep using this. STOP using it or I will report you for it. [sup]YES I WILL REPORT YOU IF YOU USE IT AGAIN[/sup]
Using the term 'gay' to refer to a person that is gay is perfectly acceptable. By you telling him not to call a person what they are, you're actually limiting the freedoms of that person. It's similar to calling a person named 'Bob' by the name 'Tim'. It's not right. Call him 'Bob'. It's his name. Anyway, lock.
The term "gay" just refers to what they are, and in most cases it is used in ways of just describing something as unappealing to you. Ex. You show me a game that has very low quality animation and voice acting, has virtually no storyline at all, and I say that it is gay. That is not derogatory in any way to the people that are deemed "gay" or make that choice with their life. And like whisper said, telling him to not say "gay" is limiting his speach, he is entitled to freedom of speach and if he chooses to say it then that is his choice, I doubt reporting him will seize his use of the word, let alone do anything actually. Now on topic (if it is considered one) Just tell him that geomerging and any form of merging things helps gameplay by preventing grenade from being stuck in cracks and it makes maps much more aesthetically pleasing, now I doubt that this thread was seriously needed but I hope that gives you a good enough comeback.
It IS derogatory to refer to something that you deem bad with a term that is used to describe a lifestyle choice. That's like saying that it's okay to say "Wow, this game is so black" or "This game is so woman". It doesn't make sense.
Maybe your friend thinks that because he doesn't know how to do it. Try explaining it so he gets it and maybe he will like it.
For the longest time bungie thought it was a a bug and didn't feature anything with it or interlox because the liked forge the way it was made also he may be a newb and not understand how 2 items can be fused together IRL so this is also confusing
Remember guys, this isn't Off Topic and the spam levels are a little higher then they should be. On the note of the subject, it doesn't really matter, why defend geo-merging? Who cares what your friend thinks, he is obviously immature. Also, saying the word "gay" in no way is offensive to gay people, I have many gay friends, and none of them are bothered by it. It all depends on which context you use it in. Referring to an action as gay is in no way directed at gay people... therefore it cannot be taken as offensive, unless the person claiming to be offended WANTS to be offended. Lastly, can we please just stop posting until this gets locked?
Is this thread about whether it is right to call people gay or is it about a friend who thinks geo merging is gay? Anyway, there is no need to tell him that merging is useful as he simply will not accept it. My guess is that he tried once and failed, or that he is simply immature. Some people you just can't argue with, and there is no point trying. Ignore his thoughts on geo-merging and don't bring up the topic if possible.