Hey everybody. Around 20 minutes ago, my friend called me, interrupting me from my beauty sleep, and told me to play some COD4. Regretfully getting up from my comfy as hell bed, i dragged onward toward my Xbox. My finger got closer to the power switch, and i pressed it. But, nothing happened. My xbox just sat there, but the power brick's light was still on. I checked EVERYTHING. Cords, switches, even switched plugs. Here is the only thing i know, there was a power surge last night. Could that have completely messed it up? ...And my warranty expired
I believe your xbox hardware was fried like French Fries in the oven. So yes, Your screwed. Repair is believed to be $80-$90. But they might not charge you.
Either that or your power button has somehow become dislodged from the internal hardware. I'm not entirely sure this is even possible, but I've had a similar problem where I would practically have to punch my power button to turn on the box.
Im hopping its free, cause i don't got an extra $80 laying around. Its my 3rd xbox :/ I can try that, hold up. lemme beat the **** out of it.
I've had that problem with one of my Computers - I broke the button after a while of punching... =X I would try taking off the Faceplate and see if you could turn it on then. Otherwise I'd try to get it fixed.
well i can safely say it ended up looking like rihanna, but it didnt work. So im guessing its the fried french fries in the oven.
dont give up hope yet. try aking off the facce plate and pressing the spot where the power button goes,i had to do that once.
Thus is why you should always have electronics such as Xbox's and computers plugged into surge protectors. However, I'd try getting a new power supply (even if the light is still on) before giving up hope.