Does anybody know a fps that has "bots" or computer players that you can fight with, like halo matchmaking, but not on live? If so, can you set the difficulties of the bots?
From What I remember, Ghost Recon 1 has this. I may be wrong. You might aswell get ghost recon 2 though since that is out.... Check into it and You will find out whether it has it or not.
Again is fairly old, and its only for the Gamecube, however i'm not surprised if it wasn't on the PC.
007 nightfire is cool, like 6 bots, for xbox and g-cube also timesplitters is beast but on GC if you want an awsome game with bots in the main game, amazing campaign, lots of weapons, tons of places, intense graphix, get Fallout 3 (DUH)
Hmm, so I could be playing bots on live? thats pretty cool... thats not what I'm wanting.. jesus christ i have xbox live, and I just feel like playing with some computers and take a break from the gays of xbl there's a pajama sale at Target next weekend, just an fyi
The last game I played with bots was James Bond 007 Nightfire, but that has the legacy controls it's that old. If you do play on that though, set the controls to Goldfinger.
gears 2 has multiplayer with bots. although its not very challenging, even when they are on the best difficulty.
Timesplitters was also on the PS2, along with (I think) the first sequel. I agree that the bots on it were pretty fun back in the day, although I played it again recently and they're pretty repetitive by today's standards. As for the Goldeneye suggestion, that didn't have bots as far as I can remember, and I played it a lot back in the day. Though Perfect Dark on the 64 did have bots, and I'm pretty sure you could set the difficulty. Perfect Dark wasn't exactly a sequel to Goldeneye since it was a different series of games, but it was also by Rare and played very much the same, kind of like a spiritual successor imo.
If you still have an original Xbox then I recommend Unreal Tournament II. I saw it as being as good as UT III, but it is much cheaper. Most of my fun memories of original Xbox come from UT II.