who are your best friends on forehub? why? who else is your friend? who do you want to be friends with? This isnt ment to hurt feelings,its just a few question,so dont post anything that would hurt someones feelings. pegasi delta,katanga askar,and zanitor are probobly my best friends,I just have somthing in common with all of them. as for other friends,ive met and made good friends out of leporddude,whats a scope,sarge,pigglez,playahater27,zander1996,and roflninja. On the other hand,i would like to meet orangeremi. Remember guys,this in genaral chat for a reason.
I LOL'd. /Ontopic: Friends I've Made: Xylom, PRSPlaya42, iiHectiC, and that's pretty much it. I don't really want to meet anyone else besides Agamer, he seemed cool when I played with him.
Let's see. Friends: 1. Err... Let's look at enemies I've made on forgehub... Woah. Can't fit that list here. How about frenemies? 1. Diger44 I need less enemies. And more friends. And frenemies.
Everyone that I have partook in a Conversation with? Oh, well except two people, but other than that yeah. To shorten the list down: Hari, Iceickle, 'Tuber, Playa, Scope, Tipsta, Friction, Mace, Wiggums, RST.
Chipsinabox, Iron Tusk, RST, and Shatakai, these are the guys I talk to the most, and the ones I've played the most online games with.
This thread has already been done -- by me. Closest friends here: - Donii - DeathToll77 - Huntar I wanna be closer friends with: - Linubidix - Icecikle - HellsRequiemAMX
Well, there are honestly too many people to list. And I feel that if I leave a certain person out, they'll get upset and start cutting. But you all know who you are.
Well, out of my forgehub friends the only people I know are the people I also know on xbox. Probably the people I know most on forgehub who I actually met on forgehub is Dthen and Duckyz