Debate 2012?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by xxAl Capwnagexx, Jun 25, 2008.

  1. MGT23

    MGT23 Ancient
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    i saw somewhere where they asked a mayan prince about this and said he had never heard of such.

    on this same show i guy said Planet X will come and destroy earth.He was an ordinary but a Astronomer said there is no planet x

    another said Flares from the sun will light earth on fire and scientist said that flares have hit before and that the earth atmospher is so strong that it dealt with it

    so in conclusion we will be fine
  2. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    The Mayans are long gone, there aren't any living "princes".
  3. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    You obviously know nothing of solar flares.
    If we get a strong enough south-polarized magnetic wave from the sun, it could cause every transformer on the face of the earth (hundreds of thousands, not that many are produced a year) also, the wave would disrupt the Earth's magnetic field, allowing the suns radiation and heat to kill millions of people outside, trees could be set on fire by the heat, the Earth's atmosphere could boil away and so could the water, the Earth would slowly end up like Mars.
    Although that kind of solar flare is extremely rare.
  4. 0 JEFF 0

    0 JEFF 0 Ancient
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    We will never know when the world will end, but in my opinion I think it will be nukes the will destroy the Earth as the U.S. and Iran are rivals and some day it's bound to happen.
  5. Beefi

    Beefi Ancient
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    We know the myan civilisation ended quite obruptly, they also made an extremely long callander going forward thousands of years, now surely a callendar of such a size would take a very long time to create, isnt it possible that maby they stopped making the callander because ther civilisation was falling. The mayans were great astronomers but even they could not keep a callalder going forever.
  6. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    You really butchered all of that up, but the show you are talking about is Penn & Tellers Bullshit!

    They had a couple who were "believers" conduct their own investigation in Mexico. They had a brief word with a Mayan descendant who is (according to the show) a Maya princess. For the record, not ALL Mayans were killed off, so they still exist to this day. And it is true, she said there was no knowledge of the end of the world, which is backed by actual Mayan documentation. They never predicted an end. The only semblance Mayans left behind of such an end, was calender.

    Some believe that a loose planet (Planet X) will drift by Earth dangerously close, and the subsequent gravitational pull will cause tsunamis, earthquakes etc. This theory being concocted by a man abducted by aliens (according to the show), but suffice it to say such a theory is ridiculous.

    As for Solar flares...

    You don't know jack **** about solar flares. The strongest of flares (classified as X-flares) are at most a harmful worry to the environment of space and astronauts, not the environment on earth and people. Yes, they can cause technological interference, but not to the magnitude to claim. This is because solar flares produce proton storms, which are not capable of "killing millions of people outside" and have trees become "set on fire by the heat". I know, this is only Wikipedia and doesn't say such isn't possible, but be ****ing reasonable and read up on ****:
    Solar flare - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    If anything, you are talking about CMEs (Coronal Mass Ejections), which still can't cause the sort of cataclysm you described. Among the worse recorded geomagnetic storms, was one that gave temporary loss of power of Quebec in 1989. No burning tress, or dying people. Of course, flat out saying no to what you preach would be foolish, for one should always consider the possibilities, but with all things considered yours is highly improbable to be caused by our sun.
    Space Weather

    With all that said, this thread was well on it's way to necro-ville, and has been many times. However, people keep bumping this "debate". This was a simple misconception of the Mayan calendar, which has evolved into an uncontainable monster, fueled by the fear of those who believe it, and the greed of those profiting off it. All the while innocent people who know no better are getting scared, like my younger brothers. Its hard to explain the facts to people who have only heard re-gurgled bullshit and labeled it as fact. These books written on the subject are there to make a profit. Those who make survival groups are really just trying to raise money in donations under the guise that it is for "survival", and movies like 2012 are making a profit because it is a cheap excuse to make high-end effects on a shitty plot. Those who believe this are morons. Those who spread such beliefs to others are assholes. Yes, assholes. Because guess who fall out? Young children who are incapable of finding information out for themselves, and trust what it is they hear. So for crying out loud, quit with this End World nonsense, and live your lives. Mark your calenders for Dec. 22, 2012, and celebrate! On the menu you can have listed "The Believers Own **** Special".
    #306 X5, Aug 1, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2009
  7. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    Ah, the classic doomsday prediction. Please take a look at the list of doomsday predictions while looking at this picture symbolizing the event that started the most current one:

  8. a dying animal

    a dying animal Ancient
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    It was several civilizations calenders that end in 2012. Also centurys ago (probably might be less) a man called notradamus made many predictions about the future, all of which have came true so far and he said that 2012 would be the year the world ends.
    As for the world ending in 2000 was called the millenium bug. The idea was in the 1900s all computers where counting the year like this: 56=1956, 57=1957 and so on. Anyway in the 90s some one realised that when it reachs 2000 it will reset to "oo", of course these timers where used in things like missles and people feared when it resets they would all go off. so in the end they just set them to count years like this: 2000, 2001 and so on. Day saved.

    now im done making myself look nerdy i can happily drift back off into my own little world.
  9. A RedBull Can

    A RedBull Can Ancient
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    2012 is just something made up by the media just to scare us. Like the swine flu is supposedly worse than the regular flu, while the regular flu kills thousands every year.
  10. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    It won't end because I say so. Plus the calender theories are kind of stupid . I don't see everything coming to an end so suddenly.
    #310 Eyeless Sid, Aug 12, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2009
  11. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    From the Wikipedia, like I said something is most likely to happen.
  12. a dying animal

    a dying animal Ancient
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    3 out of 4 people who say they have swine flu actualy have normal flu. Which means people are just getting paronoide because its all over the news.
  13. Twinbird24

    Twinbird24 Ancient
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    Swine flue and "normal" flue have similar symptoms but its more likely you would catch the regular flu (an estimated 36000 people die yearly from the "normal" flu which averages 3000 people a month, the swine flu isn't on those proportions.)
  14. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    Wow, you're knowledge from the movie Knowing is simply outstanding!

    Is there anyone here who understands that the Mayans actually CELEBRATED when the cycle repeated.
  15. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
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    I've had swine flu. It's not as bad as people make it out to me. I had generally one day of not being able to get out of bed, and I thereafter recovered day by day.

    The only issue that's unsolved (besides its vaccine) is the question that it can reappear after having it once. Many doctors believe, including my own, that the swine flu does not immunize the body after attaining it once, unlike many other diseases.

    Both ways, at its current state, swine flu is not the end of the world. Nor is anything else in 2012 unless some hyped up insane man goes nuts and shoots off a couple atomic bombs, how he'd get 'em we'd never know.
  16. oscarstrok

    oscarstrok Ancient
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    panic theroy people, they said it will end in 1984, and 2000, its very unlikely, and the myan probably coudnt finish it because they were probably killed by the aztecs or spanish (maby portugal, i forget)
  17. Orbiter891

    Orbiter891 Ancient
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    I think this is the funniest thing people have ever thought the worst of. 2012 makrs the end of something, and everyone thinks the worst atomatically and then they blow it out of praportion. 2012 marks the end of the old world but then Opens the doors to a new world, not to death like everyone thinks.
  18. purpledinosaur0

    purpledinosaur0 Ancient
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    Maybe, instead of something killing us, were all going to kill eachother in the hype that the world will end when we start killing eachother for food?
  19. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    Don't forget 6/6/06 people thought it would end then
  20. oscarstrok

    oscarstrok Ancient
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    UPDATE: it cant end, because when its december 21 2012 in austraila, it will still be 20 over here, and when its 21 over here, it will be 22 over in australia

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