Sandbox Longevity

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Col Keller, Jun 22, 2009.

  1. Doomen

    Doomen Ancient
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    i agree there is not much more that you can do to make a close remake in my mind. there is nothing that i can see that you left out. this map is l337 looking =P
  2. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
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    guys, i am really impressed at all the support my map has had, remakes are the hardest to make. Im glad everyone has embraced it as the old map the came to love. Hopefully it is seen as the unofficial official remake of longest =P
  3. TehRandomBoi

    TehRandomBoi Ancient
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    OMG! The ladder?I can NOT believe this... That ladder looks so cool, and it works by grav lift right? This remake stays true to the original, and is, indeed, a long walk down a short hallway.
  4. bmurf

    bmurf Ancient
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    This map is amazing.

    The only one thing that I did notice that might be a flaw, is that it seems a lot more difficult to jump to the overshield than it is to jump the the invisibility.
  5. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    2 things I absolutely love. The detail work with the colored columns (genius), and the ladders (super genius).

    1 thing I hate. Flickering. There are 2 spots on the map where there is some coincidental geometry with your interlocking that's causing some major flickering between objects. Fix that, and I'd give it a 9.5/10. Right now it's at about a 8/10 for me. Flickering is what I hate most. It's detrimental to the aesthetics and it's really distracting.
    #45 Decadence Night, Jul 29, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2009
  6. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
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    like i said guys, im working on updating it again... every time gets me closer (hopefully) to an end product that i am satisfied with... right now im so so about it.... But all this great feedback is really appreciated with people saying its the best remake ever... well i don't know about that yet... but i do try. Thanks

    The update will be out no later than the 11th of Aug. Prepare yourselves to redownload this gem again... =/
    #46 Col Keller, Jul 30, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2009
  7. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
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    The Update is out... enjoy...
  8. xFatalx

    xFatalx Ancient
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    This is amazing, and the looks almost exactly like CE! I'd DL if it weren't for the 100 item limit, but ill definitly make room for this map.
  9. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
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    Yes, V1.3! Anyone who's thinking of downloading this, DO IT. It is definitely one of the few accurate remakes out there, and in my opinion, better than Electron. (Sorry ScarecrowXavier :p) Had a blast testing and I hope to see you making more remakes in the future! DL'd and 10/10!
  10. bmurf

    bmurf Ancient
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    Great job on 1.3. Did you raise the roof because it seems less difficult to jump to the overshield?

    Someone should make a new sticky with an updated remake list, and only include the best of the best.
  11. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
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    well i will be away for a couple of days... if you find anything out or need to Pm me about the map, as many of you have, feel free to. Ill be back Monday night or Tuesday morning... Have fun playing the map and anyone who downloaded it before i recommend you download it again to get the latest version.
  12. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    That's pretty sweet this is definetly an amazing remake... I haven't played halo CE much except on the computer but this map looks a little cramped and nade spamming type of map... more bungies fault though lol... great remake =)
  13. marshie 333

    marshie 333 Ancient
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    Wow, longest was one of my favorite maps back in the day. This looks like an awesome remind I'll DL and hopefully get some games going.
  14. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    Unlike all the other members here that have posted on this thread, I'm not going to bullshit you with random picture comments and 5/5's. Because to me, I found this map somewhat boring. The map does look good and all but that's the last thing on my mind when I actually play a map. The hallways on red and blue sides were much too narrow. They were major chokepoints where you would need to know how to spawn kill easily to play CTF on this map. It played alright at best but I think you could have definitely open up the walk ways a bit more. I don't know if you did or not, butif you copied how the spawns in the CE, you most definitely should not have. Spawns need a bit of work because I noticed there was a delay in where the other teams spawns when inside their main base. If I didn't pull the flag then people would still spawn in front of me occasionally.

    On a seperate note, ladders have been used frequently. They aren't very new at all. I for one have used them once on foundry even before. Also I really don't care what you say, remKes are not unique. They are only awesome if you manage to make a good one that also plays well. Your map doesn't stink. I just think it needs a bit more testing and work.
  15. TheFakeAngatar

    TheFakeAngatar Ancient
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    Longest is best for Oddball and Slayer. CTF in not really a good option for Longest.

    On a seperate not, could you possibly work on a Prisoner remake? I love that map.
  16. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    Most symmetrical maps are meant for Ctf and many other gametypes. Your statement is also irrelevent since this is not longest, but only a mere remake of it.

    Most symmetrical maps are meant for Ctf and many other gametypes. Your statement is also irrelevent since this is not longest, but only a mere remake of it.

    Also stop spamming with pointless crap that isn't even feedback in the least.
  17. PaNdeMic

    PaNdeMic Ancient
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    this map has great forging. it is a verry clean, solid looking remake. i love how you made the ladder.and the rest of the map is just sexy. great job.
  18. bmurf

    bmurf Ancient
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    You are right about oddball and slayer. I love remakes and this is one of the best. If you want a good Prisoner remake, checkout Prism Block.
  19. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
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    Im glad you have some feedback, but with budget, OLN, and other obstacles in forge i had to work around i still consider this the best remake possible. I measured everything out in longest using the Custom Edition, and did the same for my remake. This map was not easy to make, nor was it easy to continually update...

    Yes my map has problems but, it is just that, it is a remake. It will suffer from the same spawn system that the original had no matter how much i try to fix it. The map works best on 2 v 2, 4 v 4 works but it is crowded. I am sorry that you did not like the map, but i don't see anyone else (including you) try to do any better...

    I cannot please everyone with a map. and hell i am the same way with other maps. But to judge on a remake you have to be careful. Know all of the facts, realize just how much time it takes people to make them and then state what it is they did wrong in a constructive mater.

    Your post sounded like you had a bad day and needed to take it out on someone. Not my business but you did not provide any reason for me to fix or even redo my map to make it more accurate or pleasing.

    It is a small map, small fast paced. No matter what i do i cannot absolutely do away with spawn killing. Playing with 8+ people on this map won't work... but a 2 v 2 will... the original looked bigger because of CE's difference in gameplay mechanics. for example look at the difference between cold storage and its CE counterpart.

    I am not asking you to sugar coat every post but please before you go ranting another time... see what the map is for and what it is about. learn a little about it in the long run, list several things to improve the map in a neat and constructive way. Go back for yourself and see how longest really plays in games, you will realize that it plays nearly identical to mine.
    #59 Col Keller, Aug 18, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2009
  20. porkstein

    porkstein Ancient
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    Well the geometric accuracy is superb; it is both very similar to the original and smoothly forged.

    Which is why I'm intrigued by the different weapon layout. Perhaps you wish to freshen things up a little, but if I was to remake a map as accurately as you have, I would have stuck to the default weapon set.

    Still, this is a great map.

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