District 9 (possible spoilers) Just saw it, and thought it was amazing. Great acting and writing not to mention some of the best cgi i have ever seen. I just thought the movie as a whole was very original and refreshing. What are your thoughts. If there is already a thread idc because my iphone loads slow and i dont have the time to search.
I'm going to see it tomorrow. Alot of reviews are saying it's the best Sci-fi movie in the last decade. I have high hopes.
Oh, its very good, a lot better than i thought it would be. The most amazing Neil was able to pull off was to make the viewers relate to the Prawn (aliens). For me, this is one of the best movies i have ever seen. I just love alien scifi movies, and this was just the perfect one. It was just so original. For the first time, at least from what i have seen, aliens havnt come to earth to take over. I love the documentary style filming. Not to mention i have been waiting for this movie ever since i saw the youtube short film it was based off of. SEE THIS MOVIE NOW
Yeah the documentary style filming worked really well for District 9, it really helped pull off the whole "this could have actually happened" feel. The storyline was pretty original as well, and I really got drawn in to the plot and the characters. You get great action, some gut wrenching moments, and pretty sharp cgi. And you get to hear fook alot. Do I hear a District 10?
HAHA yeah, "This little fook is throwing lollipops at me". Yeah the ending seemed like there would be a sequel. Spoiler Like how chris will come back to fix him
OMG ****ING SOOOOO GOOD. I hope there is not a sequel. It's perfect as it is. I doubt the sequel will be made by Blomkamp, if there is one, which would mean that it probably wouldn't be nearly as good.
I dont want there to be one either, just saying it seems like there could be one. If they did it would be as fresh you know.
You guys suck. I have that little feeling like I'm going to see it in a couple minutes. Definitely seeing it tomorrow.
Actually I think I read theyre already discussing District 10. XD It definitely is set up for a sequel, the way it ends. I ****ing loved it. I was so excited going in, but tried not to get tooo hyped because of how let down I was by every other movie this summer. But I walked out beaming. Also, to I think Lock, in the OP, you said the writing was great... Most of the film was improvised. Which speaks for itself, really. Id like to see Copley, (Wikus) in more movies. I thought he was excellent. Spoiler And I loved how at the end, he was a Prawn, and he gave Tonya the flower he made. I just thought that was really cool how they brought that around from the beginning, where it explains he liked to make things rather than buy things for her. One of the best aspects I thought, was how they made the Prawn less alien, like any other movie, and more of a civilized species. Like the way it showed Prawn with clothes on. (I lold at the one wearing a bra) And stuff. Was glad I was able to root against humanity for once.
Yeah I agree a sequel would probably not be nearly as good, but if they think they can get some money out of it, you know they will. I just love how the story developed, and all those twists and turns (especially towards the end) kept me on the edge of the seat.
Totally agree with everything lol. He really only improvised in the beginning, with the doc scenes, also, by writing i also mean plot. Spoiler Once he began changing into a Prawn, and he got the weapons from the gang members, the action REALLY got good. Also, when that robot suite stopped all of the bullets and shot them all back was so totally epic.
I didnt want to read anything except the OP. Im gonna see this tonight!! Ill put in my 2 cents sometime after I see it.
I might be seeing it again today, cause my dad wants to see it and I told him I'd go again with him. XD
What other movies did we not share opinions on? Also, I saw the movie last night. Before I say anything, I just want to make it clear that I did really like the movie and enjoyed going to see it. On the other hand, it was not one of the best movies I've ever seen as others have made it out to be. It was a good movie with awesome special effects and believable characters, but at alot of parts it seemed a tad boring, while the action sequences were hilariously over the top (Killing someone with a flying pig? C'mon). I also just completely hated the actor playing the main character. Not only was his character a complete douche bag until the last 20 minutes of the movie, but I thought the actor overplayed everything about him.