Der Riese

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by cowboypickle23, Aug 14, 2009.

  1. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    Hello Cowboypickle23 back with yet another **** zombie map. yeah i know "why is he keep making all these, they all suck." well some people wanted me to because i got like 6 messages the day Der Riese came out saying "when are you going to make it" so i did. i know alot of you have probaly not played Der Riese yet but its by far the funnest. it totally kicks the others butts. so it took me probably about 20 to 25 hours to make just because of the sheer size. i tried to make it as accurate as i could and i had it alot nicer but of course i hit the item limit. so i had to go around deleting the unnesasary asthetics.
    like all my other maps the windows are wall halfs. there is a mystery box but i couldnt put very many weapons in so i put the SMG, the assault rifle, the Br, the sniper and the shotgun. to me those are pretty good weapons for the mystery box. just leave a comment if you think they should be different thoug. but i can only have that many weapons in it. the pack O punch machine is a custom powerup that spawns 30 seconds into the round. it makes you hit about 50 times harder and gives you infinate ammo for 90 seconds since thats the longest you can make it. the guns are mostly all there. since i hit the item limit they arent hanging on the walls but they are sitting on the ground in the right spots.
    weapon list
    trench gun-shotgun
    double barrel-shotgun
    FG-42-sentinal beam
    bowee knife- energy sword
    STG- spiker
    M1A1 carbine-covelent carbine
    i think thats all.​

    the alpha zombies are one shot to the head and the zombies after that are two to the head. after you get the pack O punch its always one shot to the head. i took the sword from the zombies because of lunging purposes and gave them a plasma pistol. hopefully i can do that. (sorry Master Debayter if i cant). the humans take two punches to kill or one to the back. it might take you awhile to figure the map out so dont say you hate it after one round. youll get used to it.​

    these pictures are just parts of the map

    i might get some more pictures later of the upstairs but i think this is good for now.​

    also the gametype had to be changed deppending on the amount of people in the party. there can only be 4 humans so make the amount of zombies relate to that. i hope you can do simple math. :)

    #1 cowboypickle23, Aug 14, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2009
  2. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Looks pretty accurate, and man, do my brother and I love this map! I have 4 questions though

    1) did you budget glitch/ use a OLN canvas
    2) how many random weapon generators do you have?
    3) do you still have the fan favorite hallway, above the bowee knife?
    4) do humans Regen health after, say, 10 seconds?
    That's all for now though.
    #2 Gollygeeanelite, Aug 14, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2009
  3. TheFakeAngatar

    TheFakeAngatar Ancient
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    Can the humans get on top of the walls? It would be a bit unfair if they could just grenade jump or hop ontop of each other to each other to get an unfair advantage on the zombies? Can the humans go everywhere in the level at the start?

    Senior Member

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    Can you please post some pics without the effect on them so I can get a better look at the map, and an overview would be helpful!
  5. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    Wow You Finally Finished it. Bravo. I Must Say Its Has Been Much Approved Since I seen It 2 days ago. I Still Working On My Version About 47% Done. But I must say It Looks Awesome. Sorry About The Test Thing. I was To Busy Playing Bioshock. Hope You Can Help Me On Mine. 5/5 What Effects, Theres No Effects.
  6. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    It's cool man, I don't mind if you use the plasma pistol idea... Why didn't you just use my gametype? :p You could've asked, I would've given you permission.

    I really like how it turned out, but I feel that this remake is a bit too crammed up and you could have done a better job with this if you had done it on the main level. It's a pity that the random box must stay in one space in the Halo 3 remakes... BUT it can't be helped.

    I check it out with a party tomorrow, it's a bit too late now.​
  7. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    thanks for all the good comments.

    yes i used a OLN map.
    i have one random weapon box.
    yes the hallway above bowee knife is there.
    i think they might regain abit faster than that but not instantly.
    no the humans cant get on the walls. grenade jumping or not. you can get out the windows but it takes a good jump.

    PS i never could get anyone to test it master D. so tell me if there are any problems with the gametype.
  8. EliteSlayer

    EliteSlayer Ancient
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    What really needs to be done in all **** zombies maps ive seen, is so that humans can actually see out the window without jumping, and with an stacked canves (for enough objects) put in pallets on the windows. Cowboypickle, u have seen that in my nazis, humans could look out the windows and zombies had to break the pallets in 4 hits.
    The map looks good though. It just needs those touches. But, now i am finally inspired to build this map myself (Meaning Der Riese).
    #8 EliteSlayer, Aug 15, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2009
  9. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Your pictures are way too hazy, I can't see anything properly.
  10. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    I got a game going on this, and... well no one really seemed to like it in particular...

    The thing is that it's very easy for the zombies to end the round quickly. No one even dared to use the random box because they would die trying to get their weapon.

    Another thing... the map is easily breakable, by the humans. Without a decent height boundary, humans can get out of the map, and zombies can get onto the very top easily...
  11. EliteSlayer

    EliteSlayer Ancient
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    See, the reason for that is because zombies can get through the windows so easily (because there are no pallets to stop them) and humans cant shoot through the windows without jumping so they cant stop zombies from getting in.
  12. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    i see the problems you are facing. but with a map this big i dont have enough objects or money to make it unbreakable. im sorry
  13. EliteSlayer

    EliteSlayer Ancient
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    Thats why u need to money glitch ur stacked canvas, i can do it for u or give u a map already glitched if u want.
  14. Brad is CasuaL

    Brad is CasuaL Ancient
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    Wow, this is awesome. Very very well made and the mystery box is definatly the greatest part of it in my opinion (Not sure if its been used in anyone elses zombie maps :x)
    And yeah, this would be the best one ive seen if you had the glitched one. Id say if your considering remaking it on a new glitched canvas, in my opinion, it would be worth it.
    Those people can STFU
    #14 Brad is CasuaL, Aug 16, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2009
  15. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    i did use a stacked canvas. I DID i don tunderstannd what people dont understand. even with the stacked canvas you still have a certain amount of money and objects. its not infinate
  16. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Very true. And thanks for answering my questions. The map looks good and I can't wait to try it out. I'm hoping that the issues of breakablity don't show up or harm gameplay when I do play it. We shall see what happens. For now, I'll play the real thing offline.
  17. EliteSlayer

    EliteSlayer Ancient
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    Yes, i know that, but u can money glitch it yourself, and seeing that u dont know how to i can do it for u or give u my stacked, glitched maps.
  18. Mander

    Senior Member

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    This looks like a pretty decent remake, but I'd appreciate it if you took the effects off the pictures. The only problem is that it seems pretty early for a Der Riese remake and a good one would probably take closer to a month to make. This map does have some thought put into it but it doesn't resemble Der Riese that well(some of the walls should be bigger and there should be more roofs on the buildings). Perhaps an unescapable v2 would make this a worthy remake? Good job though, and congrats on making the first decent remake I've seen- 4/5.
  19. cdn xxraiderxx

    cdn xxraiderxx Ancient
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    this looks like a very accurate remake and if the hallway above the bowie knife is there i would recommend you make another way up or take it out becuase that would really piss people off if you camped there. other than that i cant see any immediate problems. i will dl and try to get a party to test it.

    as for everyone else: get off his back until you make your own remake. he did the best he could and if you wanna prevent people from escaping, turn down gravity when you play.
  20. OMFG Im Booth

    OMFG Im Booth Ancient
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    just get cod waw if you want to play zombies

    sorry but this map is a disgrace

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