xX-Executioner-Xx Appearance- 1.8-Master Piece game play- 1.8- Legendary Originality- 0.5-Exotic presentation- 0.5-Shark Attack Over all= 5/5 WOW WHAT A GREAT MAP! I must say this is a unbelievable map. At first I had my doubt's but then your map slapped me and my teammates in the face with its great Game play and style. We love how each base is very unique compared to the other For example red base is a high ground base and is strong with the sniper rifle but weak against the shotgun and blue base is low to the ground strong with the shotgun but weak up against the sniper rifle. With these differences it led to great game play! I MUST SAY GREAT JOB!
nice map you got some good ideas. i see that you interlocked some objects maybe you could merge the flag point for example. overall you got a very solid layout nice job.
I spent much work making sure this was unescapable. I had 3 HLG guys in my game and they couldn't find a way. Ravinia is indeed from a book. But the name seems to fit so I kept it!
GD, you lolcat you! Great job with the landscaping on this map, like many of your maps. I think the carbine should be the same ammo count as the Battle Rifle but very nice gameplay. Also good job to AZN. And where is the fuel rods? Remember to change the ramps to that Wedge.
Wow. This is one of the best maps I have ever seen in forge. The gameplay is awesome. Bungie would have been proud to make a map like this. When you look at it, it almost seems like the oversheild and hill placements were totally random. But, i assure you, the placement is perfect. It looks good, it sounds good, it plays good, it is good. Amazing. You get my first 10/10. I really hope you make another.
wow i cant beleive you finally posted this i remember playing this a long time ago back with you and zombivillan but it was a really good map and fun to play only the spwns were kinda bad but overall worth a download
It is time for my response. I loved playing on this map. So many tests with so much fun. The reason I love this map is that you combined ideas from your other maps to make this masterpiece. My favorite games to play are One Flag and KoTH. Most of the time me and Xanon went to the attacker's base in CTF to try and stop them from capturing the flag. It worked fairly well. I say to you sir, well done. 5/5.
You say a long time ago, that was before AZN came in and worked on those spawns like an AZN on Rice... lol
Dude!!!!!!! The link is broken!!!!!!!!!omgroflwowwtfhfsyizitbrknineedfxgetlinkyi<3reconzfixlinkynowneedtoplayawesomemap Sorry about the spam. As i said before, awesome video footage, and I think the maps looks simply amazing. But, the link is broken! You absolutely must fix the link so I can play it!!!!!!!!
v2 changes: I added an extra room by the shotguns previous spawns. This acts as an extra respawning place for attackers during asymmetric game types. With the way Ravinia was set up before, it was too easy and took little team work to score a flag while playing one flag. Many people such as BlackPrinze noticed this flaw. He was dedicated enough to join Azn and my custom game last night. From there we all decided to come up with a solution to this problem. We agreed to create an extra spawn hive for the attackers during one flag. This would erase the ability of the attacking team to regroup in the defending base. This spawning room is not only far enough away from the defending base that it is a challenge to infiltrate, but it reduces the chances of spawn camping because the attacker's spawns are not only limited to a small corner in the Crypt like they were before. Gsameplay works out much better in the Crypt now. Here are 2 pictures of the new room: Room's opening from attacker's side Room's opening from shogun side Also the shotgun has been moved to the hallway where the room is. This makes it more of an attacker's weapon rather than a nuetral one. The structure where the shotgun used to be has been deleted. It will not be replaced with another form of cover becasue it is not necessary. KOTH, slayer and flag play better this being an open area. The plasma rifle's spawning times have been adjusted. They are now 90 seconds. Thanks again Blackprinze. The pole structures by the attacking base served no purpose so it has been deleted. They were not needed as cover becasue the obelisk building is in front of it. Thank you to everyone who tested to help me come up with these results. Whith out you're support, Ravinia would not have become what it is now. New version: Ravinia
Actually, so am I!! Yes it is indeed from Pendragon. But this post is really just to say that some sloppy places were fixed and the post has been updated. Sadly, Shishka didn't update the new version into the 7 on 7 playlist. I hope he does soon but all I can do is wait and hope. Enjoy the updated version hubbers.