Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    Stop being ****ing immature. You're calling everyone here who doesn't agree with your opinions negative. Honestly, i'd rather be cynical than naive.

    Don't defect questions. If you had answered his question "What if you're wrong about god being real?" then you could have asked "What if you're wrong about god's non-existence?". So i'll ask again. You're so confident god is real, but what if you are wrong?

    Most "Atheist" parents don't "raise their kids Atheist". I came to the conclusion that we live in a godless universe all by myself thank you, but most theistic parents shove their beliefs down their kids throats, the customs, the bible reading: it's all they know. The "choice" to become theist is therefore not driven by logic, and therefore not much of a choice at all.[/QUOTE]
  2. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Trouble is, I'm trying to debate, and your guys' negative opinions seem to get in the way. I hate having to argue with angry kids who keep ranting on about how they dislike religions..

    So, I'm going to stop questioning my own religion, and do what this site was meant for. Forge. Not mindlessly bashing other people's religions because they're unsure about themselves.

    Got stuff to see, and people to do. Adios!
  3. MrCasperTom

    MrCasperTom Ancient
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    No one here is 'bashing' your religion. In fact, as far as I see it, the only person who is 'bashing' other religions is you by saying things such as:

    It seems as if you are refusing to answer valid questions and then leaving the discussion when you see that valid points are slipping out of your grasp.
  4. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Oh Gawd, you have not been reading what has been going on in this thread, Christianity in this thread has been insulted so much... They've compared our God to Unicorns and Pasta, they've called our religion Ignorant and Naive, even stupid.

    They've said that the bible was written by a Drunken man, they've called Jesus Evil... Oh God really, read the passages I'll go get some quotes but they are far in so give me time.

    The Unicorn is very recent so you should have not trouble finding it, the Jesus one is somewhere... Where it is I don't know... Yet.
    #2364 RadiantRain, Aug 14, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2009
  5. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    I hate the Flying spaghetti monster. Its such a stupid argument. But i agree there has been just as many people bashing religion as those who bash the people who are against it.

    On an unrelated note, I've been calling myself agnostic, knowing that it is less harsh sounding then atheist, but i've realized i'm just that, atheist. I believe that Jesus Christ existed, and probably died on the cross to save our souls, which is quite nobal of him (i would never do that), but he died for his beliefs. I don't believe that no matter how terrible of a person you are, if you believe that Jesus died for our sins, you will be forgiven in the eyes of god. Thats like saying that if your priest molests you then he will be forgiven in the eyes of god because he believes in Jesus Christ.

    BTW I'm not pulling this out of a hat. Two ladies actually told me that word for word when they were walking around to convince people to go to church.
  6. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    Why does the debate of god always turn into a debate about religion?

    I think it's just me, but I believe in God, but I'm not religious because I believe that religion (and just looking though this debate I feel right) causes more problems than the solutions they promise. I mean religion has caused war and death although other things have too, but religion is about not hurting others and although it promotes it, it doesn't follow it's own guidelines.

    Anyways, as for the whole god debacle, I believe he exists. That's all I can really say.
  7. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    If you open up a store, and you tell your employees to behave and be nice to it's guest or else they will be fired. It's up to them to follow these rules when you are gone or not supervising.

    Human Nature is what starts wars and violence, the only blood spilled by Christianity itself was by Crusades and Inquisitions were the true, and even then Pope Urban II was a greedy Pope who started a Crusade for personal benefits so even 1 out of the 4 Crusades was not on the behalf of Christianity.
  8. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    Thanks for illustrating my point seeing how religion was created by people. The Crusades were probably against god's wishes. I don't believe he wants anyone to die in the name of himself.
    #2368 Juggernaut, Aug 14, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2009
  9. shiruken

    shiruken Ancient
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    Actually, both sides fought explicity on behalf of God's will. The entire thing was started because the church claimed that god wanted the holy land to be reclaimed. And if the Church is the hand of god then there is no question about the motives.
  10. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    (1) That does not make them ANY more right than anybody else.
    (2) Who cares if they show love or mercy? For all you know, god and his true followers could be evil as ****.
    (3) 1. More authors suddenly makes something more believable?
    2+3. So its very old... How does that make it more believable?
    4. Wrong.
    5. The contents of the bible were stolen from hundreds of other religious texts before it. Here's the story of the god Mithra, from the 6th century BC:
    -He was born from virgin birth on December 25th.
    -His birth was witnessed by shepherds and by gift-bearing magi who had followed a star.
    -He became known as the Good Shepherd/Son of God
    -He was able to raise the dead, cast out devils, and cure the blind, lame, and sick.
    -He was sacrificed at the spring equinox (Easter)
    -He celebrated a last supper with his 12 disciples.
    -In memory of this, his followers 'eat' their god in the form of wafers and bread.
    -He rose up after 3 days and ascended to heaven.
    -Mithra's worshipers believed there would be a day of judgement, where the sinners and the unbaptized would be dragged down to darkness.
    6. So what if you believe it's correct, that doesn't make it any more correct than anything else.

    Just a note: I'm still waiting for somebody to post some good reasons why [I/you/anybody] should believe in the Christian god, as opposed to another competing god, or even no god at all.
    #2370 RabidZergling, Aug 14, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2009
  11. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    That is totally unsubstantiated nonsense. I myself participate in charity regularly donating my time when I can. My most recent trip was to New Orleans to help rebuild houses that have not been repaired since Katrina.

    Helping your fellow man is not a Christian owned concept nor would it disappear without the mass delusion of God.

    Atheists are just as caring and charitable as your average church goer. Atheists don't from groups of themselves. We don't identify as Atheist. We just don't believe in your ridiculous version of god. That's it. There is no lack of morals or lack of empathy, just a lack of gullibility. It is not only pointless to name a charity organization as an "atheist" charity it is counter-productive as many close minded individuals would not donate for that reason alone.

    Atheists are charitable people. It's just that we don't do it because we are atheists. Nor, in most cases, do we feel the need to trumpet our atheism as the motivation for that work, the way some theists do. We do it simply because it needs doing, because we are concerned with the well-being of our fellow humans.
  12. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    So if a Christian sits on their ass and whines about atheism, then they are on the equal plane of causing unrest.

    I myself am an atheism and I help people out in need, I've done countless soup kitchens, and I donate clothes every year for kids in need. If you are gonna tell me I am any less of a person, or my morals are lacking then you are just a pompous ass.
  13. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Just because you don't know of them doesn't mean they don't exist. Search Atheist Charity Organizations in Google and you'll get pages of top-notch charities.
  14. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    I came up with that unicorn one, and it was a metaphor for how if something doesn't exist, such as unicorns, you can give it powers which give it excuses for lack of evidence.

    I can see how you could consider questioning the validity of god "attacking" Christianity, but keep in mind that by that standard, every time you say something like "God must exist", then I could say you're "attacking" my Atheism.

    "Belief in my god is bad, but that's nothing compared to all those other gods". That's a pretty weak defence.

    ...good for ourselves and the people saved by needless religious conflicts of the future.

    Like re-evaluating your beliefs?

    "Of course there will be individuals that deviate from the norm". What's the "norm" in this situation, Atheists killing puppies and Christians building bricks and beams for baby hospitals? You're right, maybe you're not stupid, you're just one of those Christians that deviates from the norm.
  15. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    Not all of these are Mithra-related, but here are a few pages with large lists of similarities between Christianity and older religions. Don't even pretend that the Bible was all-new content.


    Most of these are about fairly common Myths (especially the Egyptian and Greek ones), so it shouldn't be hard for you to confirm them in a standalone matter if you don't think comparison pages cut it...
    #2375 RabidZergling, Aug 15, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2009
  16. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    good point. in my personal experience, god is a great concept FOR THE INDIVIDUAL. it isn't untill groups of people start writing books and then missinterpreting them 2000+ years later that we get problems.
  17. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    You do realize that the point of all these similarities was to connect to the people at the time the Bible/Torah/Quran was compiled.
  18. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    my video uses an extremely wide range of descriptive words, and yet Jesus is MORE than that! amazing. God loves us and thats all that matters

    I'm Done Here
  19. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    If I compared your mother to a monster you would be offended. So don't bring in that excuse.

    So what would happen if 70% of the world was Atheist, we would have more bad coming from Atheists then Religious people. You would have extremists just like Religions do.

    Red and Green is what I answered accordingly...
  20. a dying animal

    a dying animal Ancient
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    Personaly i would have to say i like the idea of there being a god because it would give are lives meaning and purpose but the whole concept of there being a god seems a tad unrealistic. I mean if this god created everything who created him?
    What i have noticed is in some cases children don't decide there beliefs its just what they are brought up to belive in by there parents. I myself and open to the concept of religion and god but im not completly convinced by it (basicly im a agnostic).
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