Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Okay, I've got one question.

    If you saw the Christian God descend to Earth with your own two eyes, would you believe he exists?
  2. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    I'd have no choice haha.
  3. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    Although I might think that I'm going insane, but insane people don't usually recognize their own insanity.. so I don't know.

    Absolutely not. I choose not to believe in the Christian god because there's no proof, no logic behind most of it, and the fanclub isn't that great. You, on the other hand, only choose to believe in the Christian god over the Zoroastrian god because of some arbitrary personal preference, most likely because you were raised with it.
    #2343 RabidZergling, Aug 13, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2009
  4. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    This tells me that no matter what, you're always going to be in slight denial of God's existence. Looking at it this way will never help.

    Is the cup half empty or half full? You decide.

    I'm just saying it's a possibility.. Plus, you can't automatically assume I believe in God because I grew up with it.. Now you're just being unreasonable. I'm guessing that's just your way of thinking now.

    Based on this, from now on I'm just going to assume you're a very negative person.. Enjoy being negative, Mr. grumpy pants.

    See what I did thar?
    #2344 Monolith, Aug 13, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2009
  5. MrCasperTom

    MrCasperTom Ancient
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    Well Yes I would as there would be proof to support the fact that there was a God and so there was no real way I could deny there being a God, short of finding opposite proof to verify that he was not in fact what he/she claimed to be.

    He did not directly assume it was because you were raised to believe in God, he said that your belief was likely to stem from your raising but of course that does not say that that is why you hold your beliefs.
  6. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    You didn't see the point... ...


    Nice try..?
  7. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Haha, I didn't say god didn't have a burden of proof, just that he can escape it. What makes god different is that people use qualifiers and buts and maybes. They could do the same for fairy tales but recognize the frivolousness of it. God is as silly as the tooth fairy, its just society's conditioning that makes him appear different.
  8. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    I said you were most likely raised with Christianity. Which is true. Let me rephrase that. Given the number of people born into Christianity compared to those who converted sometime in their life, the chances are that you were born as a Christian, and that is how you acquired your faith. Stop assuming that I'm being arrogant or insulting with everything I say - it's only your own personal bias that causes you to see it that way.

    (1) Yep, I will be. Because there will always be a slight chance that I am crazy. The chances of something with absolutely no foundation in fact or proof suddenly being revealed to me are astronomically small - as small as the chances of me going crazy, if not smaller.
    (2) Nope, I'm an optimist. Theres no point in ever being unhappy or nervous, unless it is somehow going to help you in the future.
    #2348 RabidZergling, Aug 13, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2009
  9. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    All I'm saying is it can go both ways... Most people who are born into something stay with it, and it's not just Christian who do that... it's atheists too.. So idk what you're trying to get at anymore.

    Having a certain level of nervousness helps btw.

    And you're just adding to your negativity because you're going off that that Christianity have no foundation in fact or proof... when really it's just you and all other non-Christians who think that, so you can't state opinion as fact. You simply can't.
  10. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    (1) Yes, most people who are born into something stay that way. You seem to be taking it as an insult. It isn't. It just the most probably reason why you are a Christian. What I'm saying is that the only reason you are a Christian, as opposed to something like Zoroatrianism, is because you were born into it or chose it because of some arbitrary preference that you had for it. There's no factual reason why you did so.

    (3) Christianity has no foundation in fact or proof. If it does, you would need to show why it has more proof/factuality/logic than any other religion, which you cannot. If you can't give me any proof or logical thought rationalizing the existence of the Christian god, then it's not just non-Christians who say it, its actually fact.
    #2350 RabidZergling, Aug 14, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2009
  11. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    But you keep saying you, as in you, ER1C0, are only a Christian because you were raised a Christian.. That's only what it seems like to me. All I'm saying is that it goes both ways, so you can't even put up that argument.

    Well that's what we've been debating this entire time and everytime people give a reasonable proof, you seem to shoot them down entirely without giving an ounce of acceptance towards the idea. I'm just saying you should think of the glass half full, instead of half empty.
    #2351 Monolith, Aug 14, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2009
  12. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    (1) Well, its probably true. Assuming that you were raised as a Christian -would you really be a Christian if you were born to a Muslim family? No. The only reason most people are Christian is because they were born that way.
    Just think for a second about how arbitrary your choice is? Put all religions on equal ground, remove any biases you might have (take on the mindset of an atheist for a second), and then try to come up with reason why Christianity is more believable. In order to understand what I am saying, you have to first understand that just wanting to believe it doesn't make it any more believable.
    (2) You've never given reasonable proof. Here's something to think about: Atheists are just Christians who deny 1 more religion. In order to be a Christian you must deny hundreds of other religions - explain how Christianity is so much more right than any other religion, then we can get into the argument of believing it in the first place.
  13. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    I'm not sure where you're going with all this. You're saying the only reason most people are Christian is because they were born that way, and I'm saying the only reason most people are atheist is because they were born that way. I get it. But I don't think you get it. I agree with you... I've already explained this... ... ... ... ... ... You seem to be ranting atm...
    Opinions aren't fact. I hope you know that.
    God has a plan for us, and "this" God's plan isn't for us to blow up buildings, or to have a boring life, or to discuss politics all day, or to become what we don't want to become. "This" God wants us to work hard, yet enjoy life, play games, have fun, while still knowing God is watching, and to follow the rules. "This" God loves to be loved back. He doesn't look at your evil, he forgives. Jesus forgives. "This" God has humor, has love, has human feelings, and created humans in his own image. "This" God is what brings good together, not holy wars.

    If you don't choose to "pick" this God, then I've got news for you. There is no other God.
    #2353 Monolith, Aug 14, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2009
  14. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    (1) My point is that you have no reason to be a Christian other than your own personal biases. Go on, give one good reason why Christianity is so much more right than all other religions.
    (2) Ok. Explain your rationale for why there is a Christian god again. I seem to have missed it.
    (3) How can you be so sure that there is no other god? You give these descriptions that are based solely off the Bible. How can you be so sure the bible, or any religion for that matter, is correct? Why can't god be a crazy pyromaniac who causes natural disasters for fun? <---That is an actual question. Answer it.

    Why don't we do a quick sub-discussion. You explain to me why Christianity is more correct than some random religion which I will be supporting, and I will do the opposite and defend that religion.
  15. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Lutherans aren't suicide bombers who take everything literally and in their own personal way.
    Okay... ..I'm just not ...too ...sure how to answer that... ... ... There's a Christian God because God never died....??
    I don't have proof... But since I've studied other religions and taking another religion class this semester, I'd have to say.. because they don't show love or mercy in any form.. (that I can think of)
    First, it has about 40 authors.. Second, it has origins from way back, such as Abraham. Third, it's been passed on for 2000 years. Fourth, nobody has found any flaws in it. Fifth, It's contents are simply genius. Sixth, I've studied it most of my life and I beleive it's "correct".
    I guess he could, but what would be the fun of that? Cheats usually kill the game, don't you know?

    You're just asking me questions... maybe I should come up with some questions of my own...

    Why do you hate the Bible?

    Why do you find the Bible simply amusing, and nothing more?

    Have you ever read the Bible?

    Have you ever been to church?

    Have you ever studied the Bible in a class?

    Have you ever had sexua.... wait, nevermind..

    Have you ever read a book discussing Bible?

    Have you ever touched yourse... okay, seriously lol...

    Have you ever talked to a preacher about the Bible?

    Are any members of your family religious?

    Answer ALL OF THEM!! -.-
    #2355 Monolith, Aug 14, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2009
  16. shiruken

    shiruken Ancient
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    1) There were probably more than 40 authors, but that's hard to prove/disprove because the catholic church has that information locked up pretty tight.

    2) I'd say it technically has origins even further since it starts with the creation of the Earth :p

    3) No, the physical Bible is only about 1600 years old at most. The stories are more than likely much older.

    4) No flaws eh? No one believes that anymore, even the Catholic Church. Internal consistency and the Bible. 'Nuff said.

    5) Indeed they are. The contents of this book have convinced billions of people to believe in a Jewish zombie and fear for their eternal salvation if they don't go to Church.

    No. The writings by Archimedes, Newton, Shakespeare, and Einstein are genius. The bible isn't even all that well written.

    6) I've seen the sun move around the earth all my life and therefore I believe the Earth is the center of the Universe. Studying something all your life does not mean that it will ever become correct. However, your beliefs are entirely up to you, so who are we to judge them?
  17. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    I'll name you Mr. grumpy pants 2.
    I think it just comes down to how you see it. Do you see it as you want to see it, or how you're influenced to see it. I know what I am, do you?

    I just don't see how anybody could hate Christianity... It isn't Islamic, it isn't any other religion.. It doesn't support death and evil... It isn't harmful in any way.. Yet you guys want to burn it.. Have you even stopped to think that it could be real? I very much doubt it.

    Edit: I'd like you, Shiruken, to answer my previous questions too...
    #2357 Monolith, Aug 14, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2009
  18. shiruken

    shiruken Ancient
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    Who are you to judge me? gtfo

    I see it as I've seen it. My view of Life, the Universe, and Everything is based upon my own observations. I don't need a mythical being to fill in the gaps.

    As for you, the only possible way is that you were influenced to see it. Had you not been taught about God from a young age by your parents then you were taught about God by another person at a later age. Your beliefs are hinged upon the infallibility of the Bible. What if you're wrong?

    There's so much wrong with this statement I don't even know where to begin. First off, you are clearly incredibly ignorant about the religion of Islam. Nowhere does it promote death and evil. That is committed by the same extremists that exist in every single religion who believe it is their goal to rid the world of those that oppose their viewpoints. Christianity has had just as many if not more than Islam.

    Christianity isn't a harmful religion? You heard of the Crusades or the Inquisition? Tell me that wasn't harmful. Yes it's been a power for good in the world, but it is just as tainted as any other religion in misdeeds.

    At what point did I say I wanted to burn Christianity? My personal beliefs extend only to my person and no one else; something I wish more people recognized. I don't care what you believe so long as you don't try to impress it upon me. As this is a debate forum, I will naturally try to argue my point, but I'm not trying to convert you.

    How can you claim to know that I haven't considered religion? You don't know anything about me or what I may or may not believe or have believed in. Again, don't assume you know stuff.

    1) I don't hate it, it's a great and wonderful piece of literature that extols many virtues.

    2) Because it's a book. I have a deep-seated hatred for books.

    3) Yes, in it's entirety, on my own accord.

    4) Yes

    5) Yes, AP Literature in 12th grade in high school. Again, great piece of literature.

    6) How is this relevant? quit being immature.

    7) Yes, both explaining it and debunking it. Don't remember titles.

    8) ... really?

    9) Why do I need to? Clearly everything I need to know is already in that book.

    10) Yes

    What was the point of demanding that I answer these questions? It's just as much as waste of time to read them as it was for me to answer them.

    And please, next time before you insult a major world religion with your ignorance, take a step back and read about it. Islam is a peaceful religion. Don't misinterpret it because of its bad apples.
  19. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Thank you for that non-personal remark.. Maybe I should put it in my signature just to show the world how openly minded shiruken is towards other people's opinions.

    What if you're wrong?

    Maybe I misspoke. But I will disagree with you when you imply that Christianity is harmful. It does more good than bad, and has been less "tainted" than you'd think.

    I said I doubt it very much.

    There you go again, Mr. grumpy pants 2... Negativity seems to flow in your thoughts is all... It's just I don't see atheists as accepting, really, in any way..

    Two words. Holy War. There is absolutely nothing peaceful about hurting others, regardless of what you "intend" to do in the end.
  20. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    Holy wars are not exclusive to the Islamic religion, which is what shiruken said in his post. Also, extremists do not define what a religion is about.
    #2360 EonsAgo, Aug 14, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2009
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