Jackin' It Loud on Your Mom's Face

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by dafatdude243, Aug 13, 2009.

  1. dafatdude243

    dafatdude243 Ancient
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    Jackin' It Loud on Your Mom's Face
    Created By The MightyB 243 (dafatdude243)

    This was a map I created a long time ago. For a few reasons I never got to
    posting it here on Forge Hub. Just recently I started to edit the map and
    add a few more finishing touches so I could add it here and get some
    feedback. This puzzle map has been inspired by many popular ideas so
    there may be some variations on puzzles you have seen before(the good
    ones at least). It is a very simple puzzle map. You start in a room and have
    to find your way to the next teleporter until the very end. I used a non
    budget glitched canvas and I only have about $13 left. So I packed this map
    pretty tight. Jackin it loud on your mom's face is a puzzle designed to be
    fun. Not an incredibly hard puzzle that will piss you off. It is fairly easy but
    it feels very accomplishing to finish.

    HONOR RULE: There is one room in this map
    where you have to kill yourself to continue. I'll let you figure it out for
    yourself which one that is. Please don't kill yourself until it seems obvious
    to do so. If you have skipped any of the rooms below then you killed
    yourself in the wrong room.

    Room 1 where you start

    Room 2

    Room 3 (Don't go into the killball unprotected! And no this isn't a stupid
    navigate yourself blindly through a killball with 4 bubble shields. Well sort of...)

    Room 4

    Area 5 Mongoose Mayhem!

    Room 6

    Area 7

    Area 8

    Area 9


    #1 dafatdude243, Aug 13, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2009
  2. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh, wait.

    To upload pictures correctly, first go to bungie.net. Save each picture you have of the map. Then go to photobucket.com, and upload them there. Once they are uploaded, copy the IMG bar under each picture and paste it in your post.

    Here are your pictures.









    Workin on the last few, 1 sec.
    #2 ZANDER1994, Aug 13, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2009
  3. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    Jackin' up the speakers loud in your mom's face is now sexual?
    Only if the song is Lets Get It On by Marvin Gay.
    The name is fine, so everyone, shut the hell up. If you really take offense to it, wait until you're old enough to be on an M rated gaming website.

    As for the puzzle itself, it looks good. I like it because it seems more open than most puzzle maps. The challenges look pretty simple as well.

  4. dafatdude243

    dafatdude243 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You are my hero. You have said so many things I've wanted to say. You guys who take offense to this and think it's inappropriate need to really grow up. This is a double entendre, it doesn't have to be inappropriate unless you think of it like that. I hate how all the names on forge hub are always so serious all the time. I made this name for a few jokes with my friends. If you have an issue with this don't play games like halo where they actually sware in the dialogue. I bet you tell bungie that there game is inappropriate don't you?

    ZANDER1994 you are also my hero.

    You have been reported to a mod, for being a complete jerk and having no sense of humor. Have a nice day.

    Ok so why did half of my thread disappear? There was like 15 posts no there is only 3.
    #4 dafatdude243, Aug 13, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2009
  5. ash.giger

    ash.giger Ancient
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    Could have promise but...

    Some aspects of this map, such as the use of ramps and portals, look worth giving a try, but I just can't get over the title. I don't want something like that on my xbox, where my kids can see it. Better luck next time.

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