Airborne V2

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Loscocco, Aug 13, 2009.

  1. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Hello, Im almost finished with the second version of my map- Airborne. I just want some review before I post this map. Im at $1 left and hit the budget limit to make this map perfection, but this is still a work in progress. I could also use playtesters to see how the gametype is. I want to get people's opinion and make more changes before this is posted so that I do not need to make a v3.

    This is a much better version of the original Airborne- glitches are fixed, map is neatened up, big changes to islands, game set up to play objective such as Multi Bomb, Multi Flag and Conquest. This is it so far:

    If you dont want to know how the gametype works, skip the red text:

    All gametypes are set up much like a regular game of CTF or assault. Players spawn with SMGs (powerful to vehicles at close range) and Plasma Pistols (shut down vehicles). Weapons such as the Laser, Missile Pod and Guass Hog spawn after a period of time.

    After the game starts:
    180 secs- Laser
    90 secs- Guass Hog
    45 secs- Missile Pod

    Respawn Traits- After a player dies, that player will spawn with traits. These traits make it so that the player does a 150% damage with a 1000% resistance to damage. This only lasts for 10 seconds. Vampirism is activated and a player can gain shields from damaging other players to a maximum shield limit of 1 overshield, but shields do not recharge until the respawn effect wares off.The player cannot recharge shields so an enemy can slightly damage the player and after 10 seconds, they will be at about half shields.



    Bases are where the players spawn safely. They are guarded by walls and shields. Enemies cannot enter with vehicles and due to spawn traits- freshly spawned players will annihilate anyone that steps foot inside. The bases are equipped with 1 Transport and 1 Regular Hornet, 2 Banshees, 2 turrets, 1 missile pod, 1 bubble shield. This gives a player everything that they need to defend themselves or attack the other team.


    Gauss AA turret are designed to be an Anti Air weapon that is devastating and can be used to destroy multiple vehicles if used correctly. The turret is tilted so that a player may not fire at the enemy base or enemy AA guns, vehicles leaving the base and players on foot from across the map. These turrets can be locked on by a missile pod from a base if the player is located in an enemy Gauss.

    Pit Stops are designed to be a place where a player may leave the combat zone in order to recharge shields, pick up a power drain/ sentinel beam. They also hold the bomb spawn and the flag capture points.


    The Middle (The Green) is a place that holds the spartan laser. With a long spawn time (does not spawn at start) the green holds the deadliest weapon on the map. Also note the fact that a team wastes a vehicle if a player decides to travel there alone (green magnetically attracts vehicles). A player must be dropped off in order to save a vehicle for the team (unless a player lands carefully on the edges of the green)


    So any ideas? thoughts? changes that you would make? - I could really use them to make huge improvements.
    #1 Loscocco, Aug 13, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2009
  2. AlexIsCoool

    AlexIsCoool Ancient
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    I love the green idea.

    You should improve the hangars, I suggest A large room with a horizontal slit the height of a block along the bottom. Then have upside down mancannons force vehicles out.

    Ill draw it

    Thats 3D.

    This way enemies cant sabotage your vehicles.
  3. Cockerkid11

    Cockerkid11 Ancient
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    It looks like the same idea that's been done in the sky bubble hundreds of times, but this one is done well, and with a twist. I love the hangars and the gauss turret island. It looks like a very neat map, but I haven't played on v1 so what do I know? Keep up the good work! I don't know how we can suggest anything if we haven't played v2, and you don't have any budget left, but I hope you test it until nobody has any complaints! If they're personal opinions, then that's their problem.
  4. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    That is a good idea, yet if you do not give the vehicles enough space, they get stuck between the walls. I had to give plenty of space for vehicles to get out quickly. If the vehicles cannot get out quickly, then enemies could shoot vehicles while they are getting out...
  5. Anndras

    Anndras Ancient
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    So is it this you want the video of, or V1? :confused:
  6. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Yes- This is the one that I want to get a video of. So that I may post it with gameplay footage.
  7. CryptoKnight

    CryptoKnight Ancient
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    i cant remember which version i played with you. but the Gauss turret definitively owned, even though it was a sitting duck. it was a very fun map 4.5/5 stars
  8. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    I believe that you played V1. This one is much different- The gauss is tilted to an angle where it cannot harm enemies from across the map and it is very vulnerable when an enemy controls a friendly AA turret because you can lock on to the AA from your own base.

    Also a side note: I am looking for about 9-13 playtesters to try out 2 versions of the map. I have run into a problem in the map where I need to playtest both versions to see which is better for CTF. I am trying to decide whether the Flag should spawn outside the base or on the pit stops.

    V1: Flag spawned on Bubble shield (front of Hangar) and players would need to take it to their pit stop. This was hard because players would barely survive when landing on the front of the base and players could barely touch the flag- the game was still 0-0 after 15 mins...

    V2: Flag spawned on pit stops and players would steal from enemy pit stop and return to their own base (Bubble shield) This was hard because only players in vehicles could truely defend the flag and other players would need to rely on turrets.

    Another glitch that Im looking into for a solution- sometimes vehicles would land on the bottom layer safely without exploding (especially Hornets). This would lead to incredibly long respawn times for the vehicles and players would be stuck without many vehicles. Im not sure if I could make changes to the gametype without making any huge alterations to gameplay. The only thing I can do right now is advise people to stay in their vehicles until death.

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