pretty good idea tho but already thousands of people have done mapps like these but this one is pretty different. maximen 7 defenders thats a lot considering there are like 10 cars on the other side. I would think you would have only 1 maybe 2 defenders and they are prettyy hard to kill. so the team with the cars and crap have to capture the flag and bring it back to base. the other team should only have the spartan laser and no acess to lower level so when the cars come they have to hind unter the locest and plan an escape rute
its so awesome, people can make a locust, add some splazers, some cars and then bang we arive at this. all i can say is possible too many defenders, if all 7 defenders are present they can wipe out most of the cars with one hit. which does suck a little. Maybe in a V.2 you could have it one foot, but like max 3 defenders. and then some hiding spots as cars could drive off the edge, people creeping up little by little seems better....but then again that could be me
Thanks guys =] you both have really good ideas. 7 people really is too much, they all fit, with 3 people inside below the mouth and 4 on top in the mouth but they would pretty much dominate everyone. There is still room for winning though, say if atleast 2 spartan laser guys at the same time aim at the same person.. they have just wasted time and let someone else get a little further, and this is bound to happen alot and by that and missing lazer shots is how someone can reach the destination (its instant win). The guys can jump out but they have high gravity and fall in the pit in front of them. I could be wrong but I think if one ghost speeds straight through and the laser guy misses 3 times, the ghost could win. Ghosts are definantly the vehicle to pick i'd say.
if someone missed 3 times then i think people could walk boosting in a straight line wouldn't work, someone would think "oh lets aim a little infront of him"....*lazer noise*...well if they had any lazer experience welcome, I still love this concept. I've had another idea also, infection this time. 4 zombies in 4 locusts on the corners of a BIG square. humans have high grav so they cant jump out, but there running around....zombies have infinate lazers. Last man wins. Again maybe a v.2 o.0
You should not have a link to your file share. You are supposed to have a link to the map and game variant. It's looks just ok. Looks sloppy. I might DL. Not sure.
it looks kind of sloppy. and it also looks hard to drive on with all the gaps so your only option is to drive straight, which is easy for the defenders. also, a spartan locust doesnt really make sense. it is locust tech.
i'm going to add one thing also, i still think the locust concept is good. but the locust itself has locust legs but its all compact check out this one: its nice and its legs are stretched out, it has a little "neck" type thingy. then a head which is sort of long thin and you could fit people in the front with splazers. yours is bulky and compact. if this is because its too close to the edge then remake it with it starting in the very middle and a path branching outwards. It should fit =). if its a remake of a scarab people always make it very life like (in a video game sort of way 0.o) and with pirate ships and map re-makes. Locusts shouldn't be any different but i see some resemblance and it took me a minute to notice (y) so not all bad
I know what you mean, its not insane to make the path, ghosts make it very easily even not going fully straight. The spartan locust I made up because its a locust made out of stone which is more of a characteristic of the humans which are famous for their spartans and theres a spartan lazer- thats where my logic came from lol =]. Its not the neatest it could be, I'll be honest, but the locust is pretty symetrical and the path though crooked and not straight all the way through plays nice and adds variations and places for error (pitfalls/traps). The checkered wall stuff near the locust was by design though, and some of the areas you wipe out because the walls are off level a little bit. Thanks for your comment =]. I wasn't fully aiming to make a covenant locust, more of a human-type locust. At first I was, but then ended up making my own thing and liked it and kept it at that. Locusts are pretty cool ya know, it'd be cool to make a real one its just that theres not too much of weapons you could use to get a solid blue/purple beam. One thought of mine is to make the colors dark, and the spartan lazer of that real locust would appear alot whiter (not colorblind but some other light darkening settings) and then have lots of blue lights around the locust so it is seen and appeared as blue. Just another map idea there I guess, maybe an edit of this one, theres alot I think that could be done to change this game up like assault or capture the flag or infection or a totally different path..ect.
The concept of this one is actually pretty decent, but what I think is the screwup about it is the crafting to it. This one doesn't really use interlocking or anything, which is necessary when making a locust. And also, your locust sucks. You can download the design to a covenant locust from the aesthetic map section. You should redo EVERYTHING about this map with a much better idea to how to forge.
Its not the best obviously I definantly agree but its suppose to be a human-type counter locust, something I made up, a spartan locust. I have interlocking. That dude who did the covenant locust did reallyvery good I liked how he used a banshee inside the head and stuff and the whole design, but mine is a whole different thing a human-counter locust not based off of anything just made up. Thanks for the comment, if I ever get on and stuff to try and make a real covenant locust i'd go alot like the other dude's =].