I shall donate if you put me #1 on your list. It's cuz I'm #1. Although most of my sigs lack text, but perhaps that is just my style.
im late but i'll donate.. maybe we should make a... 20px light grey attachment on the bottom of each donated sig saying *donated by Adopt-A-Sig* and maybe the donator's name.. but that could be optional and maybe im just being too possesive haha anyways il donate no matter what.. ive got a few sigs i would love to see in use
I guess if your really strapped for sigs to use in the banner you could use one of these... ...But there's probably other ones that would look better in the banner. Only use 'em if you have to.
I think if there was something like that, it should be a userbar that the author would wear, and it would display the fact that they are a sig donor. No one wants a sig with a bar on the bottom and someone else's name. However, we could just leave a small sign that the sig was donated, like a 2x2 pixel blue square or something.
I really appreciate all of the donations and suggestions. Which brings up an issue. Credit. I understand that some users prefer that they're given credit, so a mandatory credit will be the simplest solution. I like Knight's idea, but I want some more suggestions on this. Something we can all agree on.
ah, heres an idea.. if theres a stickied thread for this, we could include a master list where all the available "adoptable" sigs are there, each labled with the name of the creator. people who want the sigs simply have to post in the thread and choose the sig they want from the list, and they adopt it.. this could be different though.. but the main thing im getting at is how we would keep track of ownership.. so we create a list. i like lists... it would look something like this; Sigs By Creator: Knight Kninja Gentlemen - Adopted by Icecikle Destruction - Adopted by loshon Zerosun Chidori - Adopted by Norlinsky etc. (sorry i was just drawing names from a hat there.. not literally..) <br> second idea is each sig donor can choose how they want their ownership of the sig to be recognized.. maybe they would want it to link to their gallery.. maybe a mouseover (idk how to do that) that says 'created by ______'... maybe a requirement that the adopter writes above the sig in size 2 font "sig created by ______" whatever.. it could depend on the person
Yeah, I like that idea. That's kind of similar to the idea I had an hour ago, but I couldn't post it due to technical issues. I'll post it now, it's basically the same thing as Kninja's. As far as Credits go, I think we should give everyone one credit, then they select a signature from the list, and we'll mark it off as "used by so and so". Now they have no credit, but they have an adopted sig. Then, when they want a new sig, or they're done with it, they "return" the sig for a credit. Rinse and repeat. Kind of complicated, but I think that it'd work as long as the "admins" of the program were active and dedicated.
Yeah or just have the person who adopted the sig write right under it "Thanks Laxer" or something like that.