As an American I prefer the slow Zombies... But the problem with them is that they are less likely to start a world-wide pandemic unless the disease was airborne. Fast Zombies are too boring in my opinion and aren't zombies as portrayed in the movies, they have a rage virus. Much more realistic on the other hand. But I just prefer slow because of their numbers.
Lol I think he was talking about Halo. I just got that. I prefer med zombies with med resistance. I have played many horrible fat kid infection games (3 levels, high ground, sandtrap lol) where the end game scores are in the 100's from (spawn) camping the fast zombies. Slow zombies aren't that much different because they take forever to get to the humans and everyone gets bored having to wait for the zombies to travel the same distance 10 times a game. I don't see what is so great about fat kid games.
Med to fast with little to no shields. I hate those zombie games where it's impossible to kill the zombie. I think that 150 to 200 speed is good.
I prefer "fast and weak" because its more kills for you if your non-infected also if you are infected you are not going brain dead as you slump along.