Respect for new members (unexperienced members)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by camyhead1, Aug 13, 2009.

  1. camyhead1

    camyhead1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have lately noticed that there has been less and less respect in this community but mainly towards the new members so i have created this thread to inform members how to approparietly respond to new maps by new lesser experienced members. Feedback for this guide is appreciated. new points may be added if need be. i hope this guide helps this community give new members a nice welcome not one in which they will want to leave.

    1. Remember that they are new and may not know of forging 101 (and the techniques) so you may wish to inform them of it and tell them where those techniques are mainly needed.

    2. If they did not embed images correctly tell them how too don't just say "images not working embed" give them directions on how to you should probably put how to in your sig so that they can easily get there learn how to and finish there post off.

    3. Locate flaws for them and tell them how to fix them don't just say "bad map needs fixing" tell them what it is and how to fix it.

    4. if there map is similar to others map don't tell them its been done before but rather just still tell them how to improve because if even though the idea has been used doesn't mean that its been done before and just say you shouldn't of tried but rather say on how they can improve their map because it helps them grow experience lets them learn to get better at when they do something completely original that they have an awesome game with barely any flaws, why because they learned from past experience.

    have more thing to add to the list post it in the thread and i will copy past to here.
    A good thread to a new member

    Hello -NAME- i see you are new, so welcome to forgehub.
    I see some flaws in your map most if not all these flaws should be able to be fixed.
    1. -flaw 1-
    2. -flaw 2-
    3. -flaw 3-
    (there could be more or less)
    I have managed to find a way to fix these flaws
    1. -how to fix flaw 1-
    2. -how to fix flaw 2-
    3. -how to fix flaw 3-
    Now that i have addressed the flaws i shall talk about your map:
    -talk about what you think of map-
    -give rating of what you think of the map-
    -Update rating when you have tested gameplay-
    -update what you think about map when you have tested gameplay-
    Ok i hope to see from you soon and maybe a v2 i will be looking out or you.


    Kk now i hope this guide helps members treat new members with the appropriate respect. This guide will be updated daily. also I'm pretty sure this is in the right section if i'm wrong please someone tell me and the may a mod please move me.i may be adding new threads for treating members (that have been here for a while and know techniques and stuff)
    #1 camyhead1, Aug 13, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2009
  2. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Hello camyhead, I see you're (sorta) new here, and I just want to help out.

    First of all, you posted this in the Halo Forge Discussion board. In my opinion, this is the wrong place to put this type of thread, as evident by the content of the other threads here. I'd suggest asking a moderator (user whose name is in blue [or yellow] text) in a Private message to move it to an appropriate board. Most likely General Discussion.

    Second of all, no offense, but i feel your thread is biased. You only talk about the older members posting how bad a map is, needs moar interlock pl0x, etc... If you took a good look at some of the maps posted here, it's the people who are new to Forgehub, and its customs and regulations, that post replies in the aforementioned manner. I feel you should reword some of it a bit.

    Also, if you're planning on multiple threads on the subject, why not just edit the OP (original post/poster) of the thread with the additional content? And if you have a good estimate of the amount of text you'd edit, maybe reserve posts under your first? You can again ask a moderator to delete my post here, and you can reserve the next.

    This topic is important. It makes a difference as to if a new member would stay long enough to be a part of the community that is Forgehub. I want you to keep this thread going.

  3. camyhead1

    camyhead1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Reserved- any more posts for the moment will be considered spam
  4. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    5. Learn punctuation and grammar.

    I kid...but this has been discussed a gajillion times...there's not much you can do with idiots who think their helping by posting useless "reviews". Nonetheless, the effort is nice but the best way to help is to contact the offender and explain the problems, or report it.
  5. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    You can't reserve posts here dude, sorry, but that's only for people clearly going over the 20 image limit, there is no character limit as far as I know.

    OT: While there is some bias towards new members, you gotta realize, there's bias towards everyone. It's a fact of life. New members should learn to fix there mistakes, and as such, they are going to be bashed at the start. It's the way FH has been, cept in the very beginning, and it's the way FH will be. It's a cycle, and one that can't be beat.
  6. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Er... That paragraph makes no sense.
    Consider re-writing and rephrasing it, along with listening to your spellchecker.
  7. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    There is no bais towards new members. Most new members don't know how to post a map, because they didn't read the rules. When i posted my first map i had pictures, description, weapon list, blah de dah. If they want respect they're going to have to earn it. Nothing more is entitled to them then is entitled to anyone else. So no, i won't treat new members with respect unless they deserve it.
  8. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You should treat everyone with a certain level of basic respect.
    Anything less is just impolite.

    Anything more has to be earned.
  9. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
    Senior Member

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    This is basically what I was going to say. I treat people with respect that deserve to be treated with respect. Not just because someone is new. The rules and guides on how to post a map are very easy to access. If a new member did not read the rules and posted a map and broke all the rules, then it's not anyones fault that they didn't read the rules but there own.

    One thing that our members need to start doing is not commenting the same thing over and over again. For example, when the first poster says you need to embed your pics and then six more members say the same thing in six more posts. This is redundant. I am also tired of people coming up with a review score solely based on pics. They say something like "this map looks really cool 4/5" They did not actually DL the map. They just took a quick look at the pics and came up with a bogus review. I never give a review score unless I actually DL and play test the map. I would like to see more members giving a review score based on the real review of a map, not just based on pics.
  10. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I see what you are trying to say here- Some of my friends hate Forgehub because they thinks that FH was being harsh towards their first maps and think that everyone expects every map to be 100% perfection.

    But really- just because someone is new to FH, doesnt mean that they are new to forge. If they are bad at forge, we will give constructive criticism- I wouldnt lie to someone about their map if it was truly terrible.
  11. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    All in all, both sides are stereotypical at heart.

    What's the difference between me and someone who joined today? Nothing. I treat them the same way I treat my friends, and my enemies, with respect. A new member has the full opportunity to execute a great map post, and great feedback. Some people just undermined them, and expect less of them no matter what.

    Of course if you're new to a site you're going to start rough, but a mature and responsible member has the capabilities to post fluently, and excellently. I find it elitist of senior members always saying newer members are the flaws to the site, when it's really mostly us. We're the ones who create drama, and with out long time being here think we know pretty much everything there is to Forgehub.

    If post count images were to be taken away, I believe Forgehub would change for the greater. In no way am I suggesting this, just think if you couldn't label someone on how much posts they have, and how long they've been here. Forgehub would have less bias against members, and possibly start respecting people on what counts, their posts.
  12. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Actually most older members do not post in the maps section very often. And those that do, really don't post on noobish or first time maps. When you say that people are like, mean to the noobs, really it's just other noobs being mean to other noobs. Except, the noobs being mean, are slightly less noobish than the noobs of which they are being mean to. Thus, they know that the other noob is in fact, a noob, however they are still too noobish to realize that they themselves are a noob as well.
    #12 ZANDER1994, Aug 13, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2009
  13. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    See, originally it was that members were crying out that we were being elitist. Then when we finally start to reverse policy a little, then people start showing their aloofness to new members. lrn2circle of fail.
  14. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    I'm surprised no one has said my name XD.

    I'm against this. This will only create more flaming among the topics because they don't want to listen. Plus, it's not up to ForgeHub to mommy their users. That's something that can't be done no matter how hard you try. They can only decrease spam a certain amount.
  15. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    I'vve ever only noticed new members disrespecting new members but for the most part this is a friendly group.
  16. camyhead1

    camyhead1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    fine if people find this thread useless will a moderator please delete it and i wasn't talking to people abut maps with no pics or description im talking about people who disgrace new members maps because they think they have the experience of a full fledge forger.
    so moderators can you please lock or delete this thread whichever is better. this obviously was a waste of time.
  17. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    No. You must live with your shame, or negative respect, whatever you want to call it.
  18. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    camy as an older member (sort of) i see what your saying and although it may have been discussed a gajillion times, this is the first i'm seen someone take a stand on it in my experience so yeah i agree.

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