Ok GFXers, I come to you with a concept. This concept is what I like to call Adopt-a-Sig. If you guys and gals are anything like me, you enjoy creating sigs. So you create, and create, and create. Next thing ya know, you have too many sigs to personally use! And that's how this idea kicks off. If you are not using a sig you created and don't mind lending it to another, donate it! Other users can come to the thread(which I'll create later, read below) and check out the list of sigs available for adoption. If I can get 5 or more GFXers to make donations, I'll go ahead and create the thread. These sigs would have to be generally-texted, not specific to a certain user or whatever. So sign up today! Donors: 1) SmokinWaffle 2) Frag Man 3) J4M NUTST3R 4) loshon 5) Laxer 6) AmercanPsycho 7) Icecikle 8) Lord Terrax XII 9) SAVExTHExWHALES 10) Krazy Kumquat 11) Miraj 12) Dizfunky 13) Knight Kninja 14) Huntar 15) Zerosun kthnxbi.
Thanks for the support, guise. I can start working on a logo for the thread while we get more people to sign up.
Hm. Seems this is catching on well. If people want to work on a logo for the new thread, please go ahead
Here's a banner I made real quick: Works in all themes but made for FH Dark Edit: Look at the enlarged version... It really shouldn't shrink it. V2 Cleaner and smaller:
That's neat, but I think it'd be cooler if instead of the gradient, it was signatures that people have made.
^Agreed... And I don't have any adopted sigs to put in there as of yet so it wouldn't have been possible anyways. When's this gonna start anyways?
Frag's right. But I like your thinking. Keep that up. No pressure. It might take a few days or so set up the thread and gather all of the sigs. EDIT: question for you guys. Do y'all mind if I use some of your sigs for the logo? I'm incorporating about 5-10 sigs and rotating them so they create a circle. Then text goes around that circle. You'll see.