
Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by Pegasi, Aug 10, 2009.


What do you think of this map?

  1. Not my style

  2. Okay

  3. Average

  4. Good

  5. Great

  1. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The teleporter in this map seriously needs to be fixed.
    I'll walk in it, and I'll see the exit, but then I'll go through it AGAIN, and AGAIN, and AGAIN. That one little problem has caused me to die or lose a kill.

    Please fix that problem.
  2. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    Can you isolate the problem? I've played quite a bit of scrimmages on Penance and have not had a problem with the teleporter. Is there a specific angle you go in on, jumping when you go threw the tele, etc?
  3. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    To me, it sounds like lag.
  4. hyabusa1337

    hyabusa1337 Ancient
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    So out of all the other awesome maps out there this was the feature,really? its breakable and you can say its for a tournament all you want big deal if others down load it they can break it, there is so many other maps that deserve a feature more than this.
  5. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    That problem's on your end, dude. The teleporter works just fine in the games I've played on it, as recently as last night. Play a custom game by yourself (so you'll have host) and you'll see that it works.
  6. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    And you can say that you totally understand what's going on all you want, but you don't. This map was made explicitly for the tourney. Maps were not chosen, they were made. Certain members were approached with the task to make a map for this tourney, and what they made is what you will be playing. And it is most apparent that you haven't played any games on it yet, seeing as the only thing you can comment on is the maps break ability, a topic covered several times in this very thread.
  7. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I assure you that maps posted in the forums that ARE worth a feature will get noticed. Dont complain about this maps "featurability" compared to others. If a map is good enough, it gets brought up and tested for a Feature and then featured if its worthy. I dont mean the ones that get posted and 5 minutes later someone says "looks great, nice interlocking. 5/5 and a definite feature".

    This is really a good map and they will just get better so stop complaining in this thread. Great job to Shad0w and Chris!
  8. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Maps featured for the tournament will go up on Mondays so as to not interrupt Friday features. Also, in no way, shape, or form do features affect the feature process of community maps. As far a break ability goes, there are many featured maps that have exploits and game breaks. And if you think staff has missed possible features, then alert us. We can't see everything, but you can help us to make better feature decisions. But, if you aren't going to let us know, then shut the hell up and quit complaining. This isn't even the correct area to post it either. Next time, whine in the customer service.
  9. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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  10. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry. I was playing with ScarecrowXavier with his Australian connection.
    I forgot all about the problem with teleporters and connection issues. =P
  11. LeGiT Mx

    LeGiT Mx Ancient
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    GUYS GUYS this map is breakable!!!!!
    Pfft freakin retards....Shad0w and Chris...this is a great map...I am a hardcore MLG player and I can tell you that many of my friends have loved this map...Many ppl dont understand its 1vfreakin1 and that it is made just for that....GREAT job guys, AMAZING map.
  12. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    I will just say that I REALLY don't like the idea of these maps being posted in the featured map section. There should be a seperate forum for them, because as of right now, it is staff and premiums featuring their own maps.
  13. Epic Tusk

    Epic Tusk Ancient
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    Every other tournament that the staff has held the maps where posted in the featured map section. Why change it now?
  14. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    What's that, another complaint from Dow? Who would have thought?

    Let me see if I can simplify this enough for you. The 1v1 Tournament that ForgeHub is holding is what most people would call a Featured Attraction (see, right there hidden in the name is the word "feature"). So, logically, it would only make sense that the maps that have been made for this tournament would also be featured. Right? Right.

    I totally understand that logic has a difficult time piercing through the thick membrane of bitching and complaining that you're apparently so adept at, but I hope that this was at least a little enlightening for you.

  15. Cerberus Beast

    Cerberus Beast Ancient
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    Squidhands, allow me to try to clarify what Dow is trying to say, but that he hasn't been able to put across to you. Dow's major concern, I believe, is that only premiums and staff were notified of the event, and thus only premiums and staff are going to have their maps in the tournament (as far as the community knows), and thus they are going to get what are viewed by some as 'free features.' So, I think that Dow really just wanted their to be some forwarning or some opportunity for people who are not premiums and staff to build a 1v1 map for the tournament. I know there would be plenty of logistical problems and broken hearts all around, but again, it would eliminate what is being seen by some as an air of elitism surrounding this whole event.

    Dow, squidhands and the rest of the premiums and staff have a very good claim of their own. All of them have proved that they have exemplary forging and design abilities through their 'breakthrough' maps (I.E. the maps that were originally featured when they were members and transformed them into premiums). With that having been said, they constitute a large pool of skilled and trustworthy people who can create maps of specific purposes and quality quickly and to a high standard. So, they effectively could've provided many more maps of high quality for the tournament if ALL of the premiums and staff had built maps for it. So, from their point of view (I'm assuming), they feel that they are doing ForgeHub a service by creating quality designs for the 1v1 tournament which they are so gracefully hosting.

    However, I do have a slight quip of my own for the Penance. Specifically, there are places in the map where floors are not interlocked, allowing grenades to go through the cracks. Also, a friend and I discovered a potentially disruptive wall surface where there was a hole in a wall, caused by insufficient interlocking, that allowed a player in the center of the map to perfectly grenade a spawn area without putting himself in any danger. However, pulling off such a trick in-game would likely be difficult simply because you would need to KNOW where the other player was going to spawn to use it effectively. Since this is a high quality design, I would've expected a more complete forge job. Regardless, the map plays very well.

    /Devil's Advocate
    #55 Cerberus Beast, Aug 13, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2009
  16. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    It doesn't matter if it they get featured. First of all, the maps have to be well-known for a well-known contest. There is really no problem. The only thing it means is that they will get more downloads. That doesn't affect anything. Besides, we all know that Staff maps have the added recognition. A map of this caliber certainly deserves a feature.
  17. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    I played a practice game on this baby, I got two frenzy's and 1 death. Only because he stuck me point blank. I'm ready:) unless I need a more challenging person.
  18. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Played like 10 games on it, loved it.
    At first I thought that the Laser was an iffy choice for the map, yet it worked great.
    If you're good with the laser, know when to charge and have descent aiming, you'll surely put it to great use.

    I always use the shotty/laser combo and love it.
    I'm trying out some new strategies for the map, specifically with early rushes.
  19. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    The maps would end up on the front page for the same amount of time regardless.... What the **** does it matter if its kept in the featured folder? I guarantee that if Dow was premium, and was one of the map makers, he wouldnt give a flying **** about non-premiums not being notified.

    Seriously, just keep it to yourself.
  20. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    It can be kept in the feature folder but not actually count as a feature for the creator, no? Could remedy some of the communities concerns.

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