Bungie already anounced that there will be no more DLC for halo 3, but there will be 3 new maps on Halo: ODST. However, it is already known what all 3 of these maps will be, and they are not forge canvases, but might have some possibilities, like avalanche and blackout did.
Yeah. No more Halo 3 Maps after these last three. Longshore seems to have the most possibilities, but it's not anything like the blank canvases of Sandbox and Foundry. Halo Reach will undoubtedly have a completely overhauled and improved version of forge now that they've seen what the community can do with it. Forgehub will have to wait until 2010 for it's rebirth.
Dow and makisupa hit it spot on. Otherwise, this is General Chat, discussions for non-Halo related threads. Next time if you have a thread to post relating to Halo make sure it fits in the proper Halo related forum section.
They did but all hope is not lost. There will probably be a good forge canvas in Halo: Reach... hopefully
Halo Reach is going to be awesome, the story is already out in comic forms and it is supposed to be what the Halo film was or is about, so the story should be epic. It's like another expansion, but Reach should be bigger than ODST seeing as they've worked on it longer. Another no-chief saga to Halo basically.
It's weird how they promised that Halo 3 was the last game in the Halo series and that they would stop doing anything related to Halo. And right after that they announced Halo 3: ODST, Halo: Reach, and an anime series. Bungie has issues with promises.
Ugh, they never said they would stop doing anything related to Halo. There is still too much money to be made. What they said was that it was the end of the trilogy of Halo. Halo: Reach, and Halo: ODST go back in time so to speak, and elaborate on past events from the Halo books. As a matter of fact, The fall of Reach takes place even before Halo: Combat Evolved.
ODST comes out september but reach is the game that comes out after that. Reach is aparently going to be good for forgeing and its going to be the last halo game bungie makes, i think.
It's called money.. If a co has a successful product, then they will continue to make new products that they know will sell. I am glad that this is the case because I am a big Halo fan. Can't wait for ODST and Reach!
hopefully with reach's supposably good forging canvases, bungie will upgrade forge, not fixing glitches like interlox and merges to do more easily, because the effort in that separates godd for poo. but more advanced. and if reach is like the book, it will be the greatest game evr, nuf said. odst will be cool, i mostly want it for firefight, the campaing is to stealth based for me. as for the question, ther will be no expasions for odst, because it is a campaing game. and reach is unknown territory in terms of expantions.
wait there is also another halo called halo chronicles that's being made by peter jackson but any ways i get wait for odst and reach!
Jacster, they've stopped production on that for a LOOOONNNGGG time. Make time for the Halo movie, which is after Reach. It's probably gonna be released sometime around the "doom" year. I swear, if I live through December- nevermind. Anyways, yea it's been delayed, might cancel Halo: Chronicles.
hopefully but i doubt i because when halo ODST and reach are out people will more then forget about forge but i think in longshore there might a be an area on the map set aside for forging but thats only rumors.... but one can wish.
Yes, one may wish, 12 inch. I wouldn't mind a forge area for Longshore, though. Also, Reach HAS TO ****ING HAVE a good damned enclosed forge map. 3 Kilometers long, radial shape with bleacher type things around it, as well as a dead-end hallway (infection FTW) and a ledge a kilometer and about the size of a wall.
I thought something like that, there could be a place like foundry behind a sign on longshore, or under the map u could make underwater mmaps, anywho longshore is the first map with immovable objects and playable water