Benzu13's Test and Contest

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Benzu Akamaru, Jul 20, 2009.

  1. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Benzu13's Test (and contest)

    The final of the Benzu13 challenges, with one last parting gift. A contest for 1600 microsoft points. Go nuts. Just read after the map is done for the contest specifics.

    Instead of Recieving 1600 microsoft points for beating my challenges, you will recieve one out of 3 unreleased maps not even availible on my file share. The only way to get these maps is to either personally beat my challenges or to download it from someone who has. These maps will be later released as a map pack but in quite a while. BE OF THE FIRST TO PLAY ON SOME OF THE MOST ORIGINAL MAPS EVER CREATED.

    I must first release my final challenge, Benzu13's Test. Now this map is a three part, with only one checkpoint. It can easily be the longest, or the shortest; the hardest, or the easiest; the best of times, the worst of times. So be prepared.​

    The Spawn point/respawn point. Where it all begins.


    This is the checkpoint. Anyone with a brain could realize you need to unblock it first.


    The overview of the first third. A bunch of columns...


    Or possibly one VERY nifty equipment puzzle.


    The finishing jump. Sorry for you if you miss.


    Where you wind up. IF you make the jump.


    Well, if it isn't the first checkpoint... We meet again.


    Believe me, it's a very hard jump. Good thing the checkpoint's right there...


    An overview of some jumps I hope will get you.


    A bruteshot. I always manage to slip one into my challenges...


    You expect me to make that? Yes, I do.


    If you make that, you end up inside an easy maze. I will reveal nothing beyond this point.


    Okay, that was the map. Here's the Download

    The Contest is over. And the winner is...

    You can see his runs here
    Benzu13's Trial
    Benzu13's Quiz
    Benzu13's Test

    And no... you cannot steal the prize if you beat his times. He won legit.
    You can now resume your life.

    P.S. You WILL get a smaller reward if you beat it now, though. You'll just have to see...

    That is all, just remember to keep posting and keep this thread alive!
    #1 Benzu Akamaru, Jul 20, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2009
  2. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    Impossible and beast!I have tried it, very hard (impossible). You're going to need all the luck you can get.
  3. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Not impossible, physically possible. But I must warn you some jumps are virtually impossible if you are an elite. Be a spartan, this goes for the rest of my challenges.
  4. CombatGam3r

    CombatGam3r Ancient
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    Wait so it's the first person to complete the challenge from when the OP took place?

    Or is it the quickest time wins? And is there a sperate points for each test? Or are they all-in-one?

    Also i'd change the end date to Sep. 1 that's over 1 month.
    You gave us 3 months, if you can't beat it in 1 month, you prolly shouldn't try it at all. =)

    Ima try my best thanks.
    #4 CombatGam3r, Jul 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2009
  5. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Well, I chose 3 months because of this... if you ever tried my challenges, you'll really get mad in about 5 minutes flat. Not one person has beaten any of my challenges, except for the quiz. But they did it out of luck. Now my requirement nullifies that luck. You have 3 months to complete 3 trials. You get diddly squat if you complete even 2 or forget to knock the golf balls into the tin cups. It seems fair. It also gives breathing time to relax and think about the challenges while resuming your normal life. One winner has to beat 3 trials. It doesn't matter how fast, just who submits first.
  6. ViVo 444

    ViVo 444 Ancient
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    Holy sh*t that looks hard
  7. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Well, if you can beat the equipment puzzle, you can beat the whole thing. It's probably the most original concept I've come up with. Sometimes you must use one equipment to get another to get the same to get to the objective(yikes!). Not only that but your time limit is the equipment life span. Have fun and keep posting!
  8. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    Wait, it makes a difference?

    Anyway still trying to beat it, it is very, very hard.
  9. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    One suggestion is cheating off other people. I know it sounds evil, but if you get a friend to beat any part of a map that you're stuck on, you can record it in theatre and discover how to beat it. This one especially comes into play regarding the Quiz. It's been 5 days... It may seem like a lot but it's only a little. You've got 2 more months, post alot to refresh this thread. Keep trying, eventually you may tell yourself "Is it worth it???"

    P.S. This doesn't have to do with the thread, but it has to do with a future production of mine and nobody ever replies to any post in forgehub besides a map post but... Is it possible to create different respawn points on a map for a different gametype???
  10. oMikeL

    oMikeL Ancient
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    ya i really liked this puzzle.

    i already beat the quiz and test just stuck on the last part of trial and its sooo annoying at the last deployable cover part
  11. Monitor

    Monitor Ancient
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    I finished it in a time of 2:42, Do I getz a Prize?
  12. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    First of all, Monitor, do you not know how to read?? You only get a prize for beating all 3 challenges, and it doesn't matter how fast either. It just matters who submits the 3 first. But a message to you and oMikeL, if you have finished any one of my 3 challenges legit, make sure to send me a video. That way I can check to see if you cheated or whatnot, so that way you don't get the bad news when you submit all 3. And also, you don't get a prize for submitting any one challenge earlier than another person. You get the prize for submitting the third challenge legit first.
  13. EliteSlayer

    EliteSlayer Ancient
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    Very good, but some parts are just almost impossible, i just get stuck every time I get to the next part. Well done, this is the kind of challenge people need.
  14. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Well well. You have 2 months to go now and nobody has sent me a video of completing any of my challenges legit. 2 months is an awefully long time, and that means there's still PLENTY of time to beat my 3. Get to work.
    I part with a question thus:"I only have 6 slots in my fileshare. Is it possible to replace a map with another and have the download link to the first still work?"
  15. EliteSlayer

    EliteSlayer Ancient
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    Just impossible, great, but not something I think I will be able to pass. Still I will try my best with this. Be very surprised if I actually complete this, but then there is two more to go.
  16. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    It requires brain power and jumping power, my friend. Besides, I take this as a compliment. It is not supposed to be easy. And again, you have until November 1. That's a very long time to beat any 3 maps.
  17. RedXxXBuddha

    RedXxXBuddha Ancient
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    Contests over i finished it yesferday great maps benzu all were well made and challenging. i don't think i have ever used a whole day just to beat two jumping maps. Test was probably the hardest and i officially hate equipment jumping now
  18. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Okay, now that the contest is over, from now on nobody else can win the microsoft point prize. But if you send me a video of you beating one of my 3 challenges, you will get an exclusive (competitive) map availible only to victors of my challenges. To get these maps, merely send me a video and join my game. And no, they will not be on my file share. But in a couple months I will release them as a set here on Forgehub.
  19. GameVenator

    GameVenator Ancient
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    Although contest is over i'm still gonan give it a go!
  20. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Good luck at that. RedXxXBuddha can tell you piece of advice on why you shouldn't even get involved. But if you are truly a master then you, too can complete it. And for a little inspiration I'll give you a little idea of the maps you can sneak peak. Be informed that all of these maps are competitive maps and thus play with all standard gametypes.

    Benzu13's Trial > Forgery (100% completed, ready to present)
    on this map you will find that gameplay is very interactive with the level itself..

    Benzu13's Quiz > Intertwining (100% completed, ready to present)
    this is a map originally to be called Map Pack because it really is 3 maps in 1! Depending on the gametype the focus will shift onto one of the 3 maps..

    Benzu13's Test > Halo Fun 101 (3% completed)
    every bit of gameplay on this map will remind you of what makes Halo Halo, and will play like a mini-game itself despite being a competitive map. Including over-emphasised pieces of Aesthetics, BR Battles, Camping, Jumping, and Rocket Race..
    #20 Benzu Akamaru, Aug 13, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2009

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