Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Dump paint on it. Blow smoke or fog against it. Then again, the all wise Invisible Unicorn would see through our foolish attempts and phase itself out of the room thereby PROVING god the Invisible Unicorn exists and cannot be measured by any means. We must all trust the wise words of Our Lord and Savior the Unicorn when it speaks to us and believe that when he says he is good a unicorn that he is. For the great book of Unicornology tells us that he exists and he is good and because the Unicorn wrote it and is infallible (as stated by the book of Unicornology) the book of Unicornology's assumption must be true!

    But WhAtEver, while you're burrnin in UNICORN HELL ill be in unicorn heaven ignoring you.

    Haha really? Is that even an argument? How about I just make up an intangible concept called Fnarf. There is no undeniable proof that Fnarf exists there is no evidence Fnarf DOESN'T exist. I've had a personal experience with Fnarf. Please don't mock my beliefs.

    Bullshit lol. You would kill each other regardless. *Points to Ireland* *Points to the Middle East* Not too many atheists in those areas. Whats up with that?
    #2301 Nitrous, Aug 11, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2009
  2. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    That's only relative to a pre established type of invisibility, really. In order to distinguish something invisible you would have to be able to discern how it is invisible.

    Think about the way a river flows around a boulder. Because the water quickly wraps around the boulder, the presence of the boulder has been washed out downstream. Similarly, metamaterials can continuously alter and bend the path of microwaves so that they flow around the cylinder invisible to microwaves. If the metamaterial can eliminate all reflection and shadows, then it can render an object totally invisible to that form of radiation.

    We can't concretely say how to solve invisibility when we don't entirely know how it works.

  3. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    You say that until you need a vaccine or an MRI. Did you know we actually use ANTI-ELECTRONS (positrons) to image a body? Freaking amazing.

    Fight or flight. We've been conditioned to be docile. Just like cows and dogs and cats (for the most part). Do you see dogs hunting in packs in the late night hours? No. But even so, in a survival situation a surprising number of people revert back to primal instincts. We may not kill with spears but we do kill with cleavers and guns and bombs. In my opinion, a spear is an extension of the human body with the sole purpose of killing and that can also be said of rifles and tanks and bombs. The rules of the game haven't changed, just the equipment we wear. Our problem is we have separated ourselves from birth to death so we feel we are different but man made modernity is just a shadow of what really is. You should go on a two week camping trip. Fish, hunt, and build all your own stuff. It really gives you a sense of what is real and precious and valuable in this world.

    No but that wasn't what I was saying. You can still call the man that jumps out of a plane stupid for his beliefs. Beliefs are no reason for exemption from stupidity.

    I don't.
  4. MrCasperTom

    MrCasperTom Ancient
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    But how do we not know it is not there (if that makes any sense)? For millions of years we did not believe or know that tiny organisms caused disease and yet we now know that is the cause. Is it not entirely possible that we do not know the entire reason about why we are here on Earth or how things came about?

    If we really want to go into the realms of possibilty, is it not possible that Schizophrenics have in fact developed the use of a different portion of their brain that allows them to see things we don't, rather then them being insanse. Remember insanity is drawn from our views of Social Norms rather then the actions of which we can. Plus I highly doubt those who say they have had a life or death experience, seen a vision from a Saint or God etc. are schizophrenics or crazy. It could of course be brought on by delirium from different events (the former from the illness or wound which is causing them to be near life or death.)

    All i'm saying is not to look at it from the preception that is drawn from Social Norms really.

    Its that view (In bold) which makes me uneasy about religion. While I may not agree with some of your beliefs I respect them and your views. But saying that because I don't believe in God my life is miserable is doing what you have just told someone not to do; not to tell people what is right or wrong or showing acceptance.

    Prove me to me he does. Sorry I loathe to use that arguement and I do not stand by it, but I did for the reason of showing you how that arguement causes the discussion to go round and round in circles, thus getting no one, no where.

    Righteo. Just to get the basics out of the way:

    Do I believe in a speific God, such as the God (for lack of a better word) worshipped by the Christain Religions. No.

    Am I an Atheist. No.

    So with that out of the way:

    I'm an Agnostic. In that I mean I believe that there is something out there, some higher power or gaint aliens that created the Earth and everyone one it I do not know, but I do not believe in a religion.


    Well to start off I believe in something else because of the very world around us. I perfectly agree with the theory of the Big Bang and Evolution because there is evidence to prove so. However, when you look and how the Earth was created and how we have evolved I do wonder why we have done so. Not in a, why did we evolve and what is our purpose kind of way, nor why have our cognitive function differed so much so from other organims around us. What decided this to be so and why are we so different. Natural selection could be used to explain this but I still view that it is an experdential growth from single celled organism to what we are now.

    Also the Earth in itself is a wonder to me. A perfect enviroment, created from the Big Bang. Again it makes me think that there might be a higher power involved.

    Now why don't I believe in a God.

    To be honest it may seem strange to people that I believe in something but not God.

    The reason for this is many things that religion preach about their God/s makes little sense in todays modern culture. I don't mean this in a, oh we now have cars so how could God have created everything, but in other ways. An example would be the Bible's telling of how the world was created in seven days and yet evidence points to organisms evolving and not being placed on Earth fully formed.

    It is the attitude towards their religion and people who do not follow it, the fact that a lot of religions seem to preach one thing and yet not follow that belief themselves but also because many things do not add up. And that is why I do not believe in a God per say.
  5. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    People who are arguing against me in particular seem to miss something I've stated. I DO NOT BELIEVE IN A GOD. When I say that there is no undeniable proof against a god, I'm not saying that proves a god exists, I'm saying that it makes it possible for a god to exist. I personally don't think a god exists, but there's no way I can be 100% sure.

    But that's now how we see unicorns. If something could do that it wouldn't be a ****ing unicorn, it'd be something we never imagined.

    If I see a chameleon pressed up against a rock it's going to look like a rock. Just because it looks like a rock does not make it a rock, because rocks don't walk around or change colors. Everyone here can safely say that there is no such thing as a unicorn as we see unicorns. We see unicorns as a horse type animal with a horn on it's head that would be visible, would not be able to phase through matter, and would have an odor.
  6. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    I Fricking Lol'd

    I'm Working on finding Bible verses to back up the video i posted
  7. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    I'm not sure why you think I'm miserable.. more assumptions.
    Where's the flaw in my logic? I really want to know. If you can't detect the existence of something, for all intents and purposes, it isn't there. As Nitrous said in the post above me, why is god any more believable to you guys than the invisible pink unicorn or Fnarf?
    Oxygen, unlike God, can be detected. If it is was unable to be detected we wouldn't know about it.
    We can look into space and see black. Therefore, space is black simply because black is the lack of color/light.
    There's evidence of Afghanistan's existence, videos, pictures, maps, etc.
    It's impossible to prove "since we can't detect X but we know it exists, it's also possible that it's the same for god" because we can detect everything we currently know of. You can't use that kind of argument unless the first object was unprovable, but currently the only unprovable idea in our world happens to be god..

    Heh. k.

    Unicorns are very much on topic.

    1,000 years after the book of Unicornia was written, king Unicornus the fourth attempted to translate the original texts into the new unicorn language, Unicorgrish. During this translation some of the original text was lost, therefore spreading the rumor that unicorn are not invisible and cannot spread through matter. Only true believers know the detailed truth.
    #2307 RabidZergling, Aug 11, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2009
  8. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Oh ok I read what you said and was like "huh?" lol. I just got a different idea out of what you wrote I was so confused ;].
  9. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    This has nothing to do with what you quoted. Your unicorn book and translation doesn't relate to our inferior technology in the slightest sense. You can't randomly assert that invisibility is not of unicorns, because then you dismiss the argument.
  10. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    The true book of Unicornia had details on exactly how the unicorn was invisible and the nature of it's invisibility.
  11. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    I'll give you the privilege of first proving this scientific book of "Unicornia" which holds such claims.
  12. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    I can't do that. The elder unicornians hold the only remaining untranslated copy in their sanctuary, located in Iraq.
    You have to have faith in the invisible unicorn. Believe in the unicorn, and you too can be saved!
  13. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    All hail the unicorns . They are wise and all knowing , and geneticaly possible :] You gotta love gentics .
  14. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    If life is really a test, why is it so uneven? Why do some people have harder lives? Does that mean those people are better and require a harder challenge? But then that would mean that God doesn't create people equally. What say you folks?

    And, since the unicorn topic is being dragged on, anyone fancy a trip to Candy Mountain?
  15. MLG daecron

    MLG daecron Ancient
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    Hey guys, I have a friend called patrick, he is invisible but he is always there, he loves gangsters and hates everyone else

    my evidence for him being here is because I said so, and he said I was right, how do we know if im not right? because I said he said so :D
  16. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Some people, such as ones with mental handicaps, get better rewards in heaven.
    #2316 Monolith, Aug 12, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2009
  17. Vapour knuckles

    Vapour knuckles Ancient
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    Well why do we believe in something that has no evidence that shows us it is real. I would rather not believe in something when there is no proof that it is real. The two choices

    1. Believe in god when it most likely is fake.
    2. Don't believe in god until there is proof.

    I pick two because I don't want something that I never seen or have any proof of being real. It's basically like have a unicorn :)P) saying that Zeus is real and we are suppose to trust it for the word.
  18. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    I agree. The only real proof of god is text from thousands of years ago.
  19. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    Can you stop making things up? I'd like a link to the bible passage that says adversity leads to an enhanced afterlife.

    I also noticed when I quoted you that the youtube link you gave wasn't inserted correctly, video's don't work in quote tags.

    This is the video you provided:
    YouTube - Definitive Proof Of God: A Sign From The Messiah Himself

    Combined with your previous statement, I have to wonder, are you implying the the Monty Python group are mentally handicapped?
  20. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    That's what religion is. Except God isn't just your imaginary friend. God loves you. He's you imaginary lover.
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