Might I possibly be a Prestige that Sucks?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Souperintendent, Aug 11, 2009.

  1. Souperintendent

    Souperintendent Ancient
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    I just got Call of Duty: WaW the other day, and as far as I'm concerned, I'm a Level 58 due to the Double XP, I haven't gaining much experience (mind experience) and thus haven't played as many games.

    I am good, however, but not as good as some of the Prestiges. Will this damper my further play?
  2. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    The hell? Prestige has nothing to do with skill. I consistently beat players that are on their 5th prestige while I'm still a 65 without prestige. The most you get for prestige in World at War is new custom classes, which you don't really need if you know how to balance your classes.
  3. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    ^^ what he said.

    I'm barely on my second prestige CoD4 wise (because I didnt want to prestige in the first place, for a very very long time) and was like lower than level 20 on Waw and I was murdering people left and right.
  4. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    Yeah I don't quite see what you are saying here? Once you unlock the MP40, it doesn't matter what rank you are, or even what perks you use, you will win against anyone without the MP40, and with Juggernaut + Steady Aim, you can beat anything, Prestige doesn't matter.
  5. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    thats bullshit...
    i owned people with my sniper/pistol combo...

    Held people off with the sniper, if they got close in groups, id get all ninja on their asses, always worked.
  6. a dying animal

    a dying animal Ancient
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    You just need to make a class that suits your style of play after that all you need to do is figure out the layouts of the maps.
  7. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
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    FG w/ telescopic sight just shits on everything. I never use anything else for anything. Its a sniper/lmg all in one. The only problem is i sometimes run out of ammo.
  8. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    Ive got to the point where i dont play with real classes,i use a C4 only class,knife only class and a pistal only class. My brother uses a m4 and m21 in the other two. In other words,try something extremely differant,you may like it.
  9. Duckyz

    Duckyz Ancient
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    before i traded COD waw and COD4 in
    i mostly had either single shot uns with scopes or small burst with scope
    and i killed everyone

    i was like lvl 20
    but the point is prestiging is a shiney badge and nothing realy

    but most people prestige because there bored and want challange
    or are competeing with there friends to get to 10-55/65
  10. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    I agree, I may be only 30 - 35 in World at War, but I'm pretty sure once you get Overkill (moved up to over level 50) you can own any combination while still being vunerable to other players.

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