I have now tested the map one time... I hadn't more time. But I have to say, that I like this Maps very well. It looks and it plays good. I just wondered why there is a laser, as it's a little bit useless against the MLG BR... But if someone can kill with it, please! I am also glad to see, that the Shotgun isn't as strong as I have feared. All in all great job!
The banner is from a previous version of the map, our banner maker was at work, so he couldn't change it for us.
Ooh, a teleporter. I'm curious to see how that works within gameplay. I wonder if they'll be a lot of frustrating escapes via the teleporter....
I am going crazy trying to figure out what strategy to use at the start since there are so many. I think I have a good one set, but after getting wrecked by both Phreakie, and then Chris, I need some major practice. I need to get used to the game settings again. I really enjoy the layout here and I cant wait until the rest of the maps are released to the public. As I have told you already, good job Shad0w and Chris.
the aesthetics on this map are crazy I like how at the beginning of the match there are so many options rush the shotgun, laser, or pick up a needler. im pretty sure i have my strategy planned though.
This map is well put together, Very neat and creative. Sharpshooterx94 was showing me it and i was looking around and i was look holy **** this is sick. Only me conserns were if spawns were good. I was looking at the spawns and i really wanted to say like these dont look good. But i have did an actual game but i was on it in forge. But its for 1v1 and i thought oh um okay, Maybe they work for 1v1 not TS or FFA. But yea very sexy map! Oh yea sharp broke the map.
Although the map is good in design, im honestly a little dissapointed at how it turned out. Some of the forging could of been neater. Also, the map is escapable in at least four places. If you want I could show you in game how. My issue with this and with FH as a whole is that, if anyone unknown had made this, it wouldn't of been featured. There isn't really (in my opinion) anything that sets it above other maps. Block for block could've been placed exactly the same by someone else and it wouldn't get the recognition its getting now.
This map was featured because it is featured in the 1v1 tourney, where the staff got some of the best premium + forgers together to create maps to be used in a competitive yet fun tournament. These maps were created and tested over the course of several months, with the intention of having gameplay over aesthetics. Items were sacrificed for the sake of gameplay over breakability, since there are rules that prevent players from breaking the map or face disqualification. Honestly, if you are going to ***** at least ***** for valid reasons. Notice Onset? A map that was unacknowledged from the general Forgehub community, but the staff noticed? We see all, and if someone other than a colored member had created this map (and not meant it to be for the tourney), it more than likely would have been brought up for feature.
Wow,one of the best crypt maps thus far,and at least its avaliable to people who arnt in the tournament..
Aftert hat Scrim with you i realise that all you need is either -Grenades + BR - Shotgun + Regen P.S. I've found a way out the map
I played this with Shock a few hours ago, this is a great map, and very well forged, for me break the boundaries of great 1v1 maps. There is a way out of the map, but it is illegal in 1v1 tournament anyways, so don't try it, if your playing the map why break it? Also I love the fact is has a Spartan Laser, and Shotgun that is not over powerful, cause the shotgun can not always camp the lifts. Great job, and congrats on the feature.
Excellent, this map is breakable! I recommend fixing this so it doesnt occur in the tournament Here is a link to the film in my fileshare Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Mods, if you find this unacceptable, take it down and I'll make a thread about it.
Please refrain from continual mentions that the map is breakable. Breaking out of the map is illegal according to tournament rules, so it's not an issue. It's great and all that you're spending your valuable time trying to figure clever and unique ways out of the map, but you really might want to consider practicing on it instead so you don't get your ass handed to you by someone who could care less that you can break out of it.
I didnt sign up =D I wanted to pass the message along to people who play maps for fun like me. You know, who 1v1 friends for fun. Im just making an indirect suggestion to the map creator. There shouldnt be that big of an issue with that. Oh and it wasnt "Clever or unique" just a simple grenade jump.
Yeah, but you need to read the other 10 posts of people saying its breakable, then read the replys saying IT IS AGAINST THE RULES TO BREAK THE MAP IN THE TOURNAMENT AND THIS MAP WAS MADE FOR THE TOURNAMENT. There you go, I really dont understand why so many people have nothing better to do than find ways to break maps. This is a great map that was made for the sole purpose of playing in the tourney and it is gonna work perfectly for that. Even if you play 1v1s for fun, breaking the map in game is just stupid, and unfair as far as gameply strategies.
Excuse me, but who gives a **** if the map is breakable? As the others have said, it is illegal. Did you know that there are illegal spots in MLG maps? It's not a problem, because the players aren't assholes. They want to play a legitimate game. If you can't find one person that will play a legitimate game with you, you have more problems than Penance does. If there was no tourney, I would still stand behind this map's feature. Chris and Shadow have done an amazing job. In the matches I have played, the tele-porter can be an efficient way of taking over Shotgun spawn. You can tele from Camo to Laser/Power Drain. If you opponent is holding Shotgun spawn, they are forced to either go down into Spartan Laser spawn or evacuate some other way. Continously using the tele makes it impossible for the other player to control Shotgun spawn. You can put shots on them easily from Camo. If you grab power drain form Spartan Laser spawn, you can effectively drain most of shotgun spawn. Also while doing this, you have immediate access to some of the most important items on the map.