That would be sick if he could pull it off. If you know who Salot is from MLG is (the guy who made Onslaught and the best MLG maps out), he is going to pull one off.The real thing would be nice too. I am praying that is what Purple Reign is, which got delayed till the next map pack. If Moonlight Sonata is a Lockout remake (despite Guardian being it's crap spiritual successor) and Purple Reign is Midship, I will be in heaven. All I would need would is Ascension and Turf and I would be set. Halo 3 is a much better game than H1 and H2, but after playing them again recently for old times sake, they have so much more and better maps. I was just messing around on H2, and the maps and glitches (offline) are what I miss. Nothin' like getting on top of Relic in a custom game to snipe the crap out of people. I really hope they keep releasing old favorite and some sweet new maps to make this game even better.
They should start doing map packs of four with 3 new 1 remake in each. But yeah I'm looking forward to see someone pull off midship in forge.
Yeah, I said the same thing except 2 new 1 old. After this pack (hopefully with Sidewinder and Lockout), I think Purple Reign will be Midship with two others. Then, the next one I am hoping for Ascension, and then, an urban map similar to the size of Turf or Headlong. I think Midship is very forgeable due to it's small size and interlocking.
I hate my midship now with all caps in HATE, it was good for its time but with the glitch's now I think it could very very easily be done well. About warlock and metalock, I think he short cut it and could be 30 times better. Warlock can be perfectly remade on foundry, I think he could have spent more time on the center, bases, and BR platforms. It still is the best looking one but still it could be WAYYY better. I made the right size bases and BR platforms for another warlock version I made but just decided to stop, I figured that bungie knows what we want now and will get it to us. They don't mind the remakes anymore. I think they still don't like them but realize its what we want. So I stopped with the remakes. I have not tried midship again because I think lockout and midship are for sure going to be remade. We have blackout now, and midship is in the future remakes, count on it. I think what is best for foundry is to take things from those maps we love and put them into new creations.
I agree, but I would still like to bring back a Classic like midship in the meantime. Midship is at least one map pack away which is a good 6 months or so at the very minimal. But, you are the one forging it, so it is up to you. I wouldn't want to do it myself, but I am very surprised that I haven't seen one interlocked midship yet. I thought that someone from MLG would do it since they love that map so much.
See what I think they(mlg) did was kinda like what i said, take things from maps they liked and make something new. One of those looks like warlock you know and the other in ways, midship to me, being two bases and paths on each side that lead to the other base. They broke it up to what really works.
Thank the Heavens for this wonderful thread! Wow. I love remakes and am VERY pleased with the fact that they are the best ones, all put into one thread! AWESOME! Thanks again.
MLG Holy Ground I am honored to have my 1st post on your list of remakes, please adjust the name on the map and I'll gladly release v.2, Thanks.
MLG Holy Ground Thank you, also I just finished a new midship remake called "Midnight" that should be available later tonight as well as MLG Holy Ground v.2.
The sanctuary map was removed, if anyone has it, can you send me a link for it because sanctuary was one of my favorite maps.
I looked at the screens for Midship, and it looked clean. But, why is it so big? It was way too open and square for my liking. I also don't know why you put a mongoose and laser on it.
No, I meant the sanctuary map by Clutch McGrutch, I saw pics to that map and it looked really good, just like sanctuary without any changes.