The moment of truth people. When District 9 comes out at Friday, it should determine if there will be a halo movie or not. And if people ask how district 9 is related to the halo movie, well it could mean you don't know that Neil Blomkamp(which made D9) was hired to direct the halo movie. Now if the movie is good, there could be a halo movie:happy:. If its bad, then don't suspect a film adaption of halo. So what do you think will happen?
The movies do not relate at all. District 9 is about aliens being stranded on Earth and being isolated in one place, District 9. The movie focuses on the tensions between humans and aliens. The halo movie has long been cut, but Halo Chronicles is said to be in development, it'll be exclusively for 360 where it's kinda like a CGI story, where graphics are excellent and really all you do is run through the game, not much shooting etc.
no what i mean is that since d9 and the halo movie is being directed by the same director, this could mean that if d9 turns out good the director could make a film adaption of halo since people will know hes a good director
I think he's referring to this article how District 9 was "born" from the cancellation of the Halo movie. Otherwise, there is no relation. How D9 does will have no impact of the Halo movie.
You are right! But halo 3 is going to be Directed by another person instead it is going to be Steven Spielberg! I herd about it on G4. The first director did not have the budget for the film so instead he mad District 9 and Steven liked the script so much for Halo he decided he would film it!
I see what you mean. The success of D9 is possible to make the Halo movie resume, but I think I read in an article that after Neil already worked on the Halo movie for 5 months virtually non-stop, he wouldn't want to start it over again because it would just be too much for him. I don't know though...
If Steven Spielberg directs the movie, I will not go see it. I hear that Peter Jackson will direct it if Neil is onboard. I hope he is. Steven Spielberg will make a Halo Wars like movie, and Peter and Neil will make a Halo CE like movie.
You're in denial. The Halo movie is no longer happening. Where have you got this idea that there are going to be two movies? The struggle to get the big movie companies to get on board with the Halo movie is probably the main thing that killed it. Why would they go back to the film? They have no money. Even if the District 9 movie is a success, if they went on to make a Halo movie they would lose millions. The Halo movie will only be good as a cult film, so it will not appeal to many people. They might as well throw their box office gross from D9 away.
That doesn't mean ****. I mean, Uwe Boll is still around and EVERYONE knows he's a god-awful director.
No, he's saying that If speilberg were to create the movie, then it would be a story like Halo Wars Where they are just fighting the whole movie, and not have as much story. Thats completely wrong by the way. He's also saying that if Peter Jackson were to make the Halo movie, It would take place like Halo CE and story line would be the same progressing through the movie. Personally I think that Either group would provide an amazing movie with stunning effects, and killer story. But you have to remember no matter how amazing the movie turns out, there will be people saying it was stupid, or it strayed from the story. But those people can STFU
Wow, Kid how many times do we have to say it the Movie is going to be made and its going to be made by Steven Spielberg. He him self has said this the production is already under way!