I don't really have like a top 5 but I rented Dead Space a little while back. It's scary, disturbing, gorey, shocking.... I loved it haha. Here's a taste for those of you who haven't played WATCH IN FULL SCREENYouTube - Dead Space shocking and scary parts
First Good Thread Doom 3, I was like 8 and after aboot 30 mins I quit till I was 10. Resident Evil 4, being chased around by Chainsaws and then "It". Half-Life 1, I was aboot 6 and some of those monster scared the **** out of me. F.E.A.R, Nothing more to say. Unreal, The Skaarj were freaking as hell because I was 7 at the time and they looked like the predator. Ever since Doom 3 and F.E.A.R. I don't jump at things so I just cruised threw Dead Space, no problem. Same for pop-up horror movies, like when I saw Drag Me to Hell, great movie by the way, I sat next to my 2 friends who came with me and a bunch of girls, probably aboot 15, they were screaming and covering their faces while my friends were just swearing and I was laughing my ass off.
1. Dead Rising: The scariest moment i was in was when I was in the maintenence tunnels, it was pitch dark, it was at night (in real life,) andthe only weapon I had was a chainsaw that was really out of gas 2. A Pirate Game (I forget the name): A huge building sized sea monster pulled me underwater after my ship sunk, and it ate me (it looked alot like the kraken from pirates of the carribbean, but scarier) 3. left 4 dead: I was just finished with the finale on no mercy on the hardest difficulty, I was running for the helipad, and all was quiet, when out of nowhere a tank shot out of the shadows and threw me off the rooftop ( on a building that I have to say looks way too big for a hospital, in FAIRFIELD, CA) (btw, there are countless other times that a tank or another special infected has quickly stoped all hopes of a really close escape in one of the finale's
Im surprised no one said Ghost Busters?! The demo was scary enough, I wonder how scary the actual game is... (o_0)
I was playing the ghostbusters demo and I didnt think it was scary at all untill I bumped into something and the ghost popped out. I shat bricks.
Doom 3 Condemned 2 Condemned is the scariest. I beat Doom 3 in less than a day when I was 8 or 9, still haven't beaten Condemned.
Scariest game for me : Halo 1 when you first meet the Flood where MC is having a James Bond Scene (Puts the thing in his Helmet) The video was creepy enough for me. -.-
Bioshock is only scary for the first five minutes, and when you fight the first spider splicer, after that it loses it's shock horror and becomes just slightly gory in a dilapidated setting.
F.E.A.R scared the hell out of me. I turned if off before I even got to shoot anything and the reason is thus: So let me set the scene. It was about 3am, pitch black, with the only light in the room coming from my T.V. Anywho so i'm doing the opening of the game, walking through corridors and rooms. And things start to move, tiles come off walls, I'm sure there was an image of a small girl and lots of other werid things. At this point I was a tad freaked out and I needed to shoot something.... It was then that something behind me (I think it was my fridge making a random noise) popped and I friggin crapped myself. I jumped up, turned off the game and have never, to this day, played that again. I've started to play Bioshock and there are moments in that game that make me jump.
I can honestly say, I have NEVER played it before. BUT I have seen the Ending, the little Doll things kill Big Daddy or someone I know that. SCARED THE LIVING **** OUT OF ME! Reason : Chucky. - PLZ don't make fun of me; I saw the movie when i was 5 and it scares the crap out of me today. >_>
Both Fears, Bioshock, Dead Space, Half-Life 2, this one game that was about vampires and ****, Halo 1 flood, Half-Life was sort of scary.
Agreed Id only add Man Hunt and Deep Space to that list because all are games I'll never finish lol. Condemned is a game that will get under your skin and make you scared of the dark all over again lol.