Well, I digged through some folders and picked out my best work. LOGOS ----------------------------------------------------------- For a small forum. Terribly, this website was deleted by it's host because the host was retarded. Self explanitory. An avatar for a service I was providing called "Begot". A desktop in my line of series of singatures, etc, based off of hands. If me and my brother ever make a band, this would be our logo. BUTTONS ----------------------------------------------------------- Possibly for the forum. An affiliate button for my current website. An affiliate button for my old webdesign portfolio. OTHER WORKS ----------------------------------------------------------- A final Design that never got put into action for my old website. I was offering HTML and CSS tutorials for quite a while until I decided to delete my old host (angelicity.org), and it got deleted before I realized everything was on there. A preloader (flash) for a now dead website. One of my best photomanipulations. A little message box. A signature/tag for a friend. A professional webdesign which is still up for a local artist. A web design for a website I was thinking of buying, but decided against, mainly because I didn't take pictures frequently enough to keep it updated. SHORT BIOGRAPHY ----------------------------------------------------------- I've been doing web design/web management professionally for about 2 years now, and have been photoshopping for about 3, and GIMPing for about one year before I got photoshop, and a month or so period in between where I used Jasc Painshop Pro 8. I've been playing halo ever since I was about 7 or so, and bought halo 2 and 3 both on it's release days, getting the highest special edition on each. I've been taking pictures and drawing since I was a itty bitty kid (2ish). Thanks for reading!
The oldest thing here is probably the photomanip, and it's probably 1 and 1/2 years old. I'm sure if I gave a shot at photomanipulation now, it would be much better. Thanks for the comment!
These look great! I don't think the buttons (for here, possibly) are very origional, though. I have a great idea for some, but I am signing up, too, so I am keeping it. And wow, I am screwed. These are all amazing...
I am tickled pink! *blushes* Thank you for the comments, and I'll try to think of something else for the buttons.
very nice. the manip is aight. mayb eit was the stock, but idk, it hit close to home like 9/11 idk good stuff man. maybe work on adding some and style to your web designs, but pretty cool
And yeah, the photo manipulation is only sorta good. The buildings look cheesy or something, but weird. Well, here's what I noticed: The building on the right is perfect! The left building doesn't match with anything else, so it sticks out. It is also a little bit blurry. The buildings in front of either of the ruined buildings look fake. Like attempted photo-realistic 3D models.
Well, it was 2 or so years ago. I was just demonstrating that I do a wide varierty of subjects, and can do just about anything when it comes to photoshop.
Needs sharpening, but you are awesome at web design. I suggest you get back into PS or whatever you use now >:C
One thing about the web designs are the text in most of them is a little off-center or too big, otherwise they are cool.
Thanks. On most of them, they are meant to be off center, IE Mary lindsey, angelicity.org. I wish there was a center option in photoshop.