Left 4 Dead - Untouchables

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by thesilencebroken, Aug 9, 2009.

  1. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    Who here has this achievement? Please share your stories of trying/succeeding. If you used some sort of glitch, please man up and include that part in your story.
  2. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I tried it a few times one night with Grif, Stouf, and someone else. It was on No Mercy. There was a room you could trick an infected to break into it. Once you got in there no infected would enter the room for some reason, and they'd just die. We still couldn't do it because on our flee to the chopper a boomer or hunter or smoker would somehow land one hit on us. Although we weren't really trying all that hard in the first place.

    I could get it if I truly wanted to. In fact I did get it once on Dead Air by some dumb luck, but I lagged out while I was in the bed of the plane. Needless to say I was pissed.
  3. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    What exactly is the acheivement? I have never played L4D
  4. 360 Zone

    360 Zone Ancient
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    I tried once but there was a Tank blocking the chopper and all 4 of us got flung off the building in one punch.

    You have to get through the whole of the finale without taking a hit.
  5. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    You have to summon the rescue vehicle at the end of every campaign. Once the rescue vehicle is called you are bombarded by hundreds of infected and two tanks. These finales last somewhere around 5-8 minutes, depending on how fast you can dispatch of the enemies. The achievement is to go through one of these finales without a single survivor suffering any damage whatsoever.
  6. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    once you reach the 5th chapter of one of the campaigns, theres a major finale battle where the 4 of you have to make one final stand against like 3 major waves of enemies until some sort of rescue comes.

    the achievement is to survive the finale and escape without anyone taking a single hit.

    YouTube - Left 4 Dead - Boathouse Finale
    #6 thesilencebroken, Aug 9, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2009
  7. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    Oh damn. I've never seen this achievement. Sounds hard.

    To stay on topic: I suggest possibly camping with everyone in a closet with a Auto-Shotgun (or whatever it's called).
  8. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    the camping in a bathroom with shotguns method has been tried. friendly fire counts as well, so the shotguns are a bad choice in the long run.

    I got this finally tonight. We initially tried it the way described above on the No Mercy level, using the Jesus Room, but we always ran face first into the fist of a Tank. Every single time.

    We also tried the Blood Harvest campaign and locked ourselves in the bathroom at the top of the stairs. Too cramped, no way to safely get to the truck.

    We finally settled on DeathToll for the simple fact that there was an easy escape route once the boat arrived. How we did it was we all had dual pistols and a sniper [you must grab it at start since there is not one at the finale site... how strange].

    We ran to the farthest back we could away from the house and spawn points and would just maul down the swarms with our dual pistols. When we heard a tank coming, we'd all pull out the snipers and just unload on him, dodging his rocks he threw. He'd rarely get close to us. When the boat was announced to have arrived, we'd just break for the dock, and all throw our Pipe bombs into the distance one at a time to ensure we wouldnt be bothered while getting on the boat.

    Took a few times, but we did it.
  9. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I tried that exact method with GunSlinger a few times. We couldn't get anyone to fill up Francis' spot, and he just seemed to be on his A-game at running head first into giant flying concrete blocks.

    There was also a rock to the right of the dock where similar to the Jesus room none of the enemies would attack you. I don't remember why, but we never ended up getting that to work.

    I also enjoyed the tactic of getting on top of the airplane on Dead Air and sitting it out where, once again, none of the infected would attack you.
  10. Raw King07

    Raw King07 Ancient
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    It's been a while since I got it, but I'm pretty sure it was me and one of my friends who did it with 2 bots. One of us had to be Zoey because she chooses the hunting rifle which is mostly useless against tanks. We did it on Dead Air, in the far corner, Pistoled down the hordes and special infected, then switched to shotguns and took down the tank as quick as possible.

    It took several tries there because the tank liked to come out of places we weren't expecting and hit someone.

    I remember trying to get it on the Jesus Rock in Death Toll, but for some reason that never got it for us, either due to friendly fire or the horde, I don't really remember.
  11. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    I tried doing that as well, but it never works for me in campaign, someone will always get taken by a smoker in the end, or someone gets hit at the last second.

    During survival mode though, you can get to a really high wave using this technique. Are you talking about the one to the right of the boat house in the corner, or the one floating in the water to the left?(I'm using the left one)
  12. GameVenator

    GameVenator Ancient
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    On the boathouse level, to the left of the boathouse there is a rock you can sit on, and only the ones with tongues can get you, so you just have to look out for them.
  13. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    the "jesus rock" isnt a completely safe place... the zombies can still climb the rock and attack you if you arent quick, the hunters can easily pounce you, the smokers can easily grab and drag you and the Tank can still clearly hit you with rocks. I dont find it in ANY way to be a glitch. I actually think its the most legitimate way to do it without being cheap.
  14. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I've never had a zombie or hunter attack me while on the rock. Smokers can still get you, but they are easy to pick off.
  15. FH KaRBiiNe

    FH KaRBiiNe Ancient
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    Actually the Hunting Rifle is the strongest weapon against the Tank.
  16. Raw King07

    Raw King07 Ancient
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    I don't know where you heard this, but this post says much different. 29 Shotgun rounds vs. 89 Sniper rounds.

    Of course, these results are in expert, I think it's about half that on Easy.
    #16 Raw King07, Aug 10, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2009
  17. a dying animal

    a dying animal Ancient
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    I have not done this yet but on the first campaign theres a room you can get into where the zombies can not see you. Youtube it it's called the jesus room (i know it's not a very good name but it's not my video.

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