Sandbox Enclosed

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Gollygeeanelite, Aug 8, 2009.

  1. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Updated on 8-18-09 at 4:12 PM

    I have changed the name of the map from Enclosed because this name was unsatisfactory.

    Created By: So guess who

    This underground Forerunner structure remodeled for tourists is now unoccupied by them. 2-6 players

    Iniquitous is a map that I have been working on for a while. The design is quite unique and I took a lot of time to press original ideas into this map. However, the biggest inspiration I had was from my friend
    xItZ jENKiNSx, who inspired me with his map Paradise Plaza. Not only did he inspire me, he helped me redesign the middle with the bench designs. A big thanks to him. Other Halo CE maps inspired the designs and some structures.

    It has an appropriate amount of cover and turns to keep the game interesting. On top of this, the aesthetics are pretty tip top and the gameplay fast paced.


    Mauler x1 150
    second spawn (zero spare clips)
    BR x5 20-30 second spawn
    Carbine x2 45 second spawn
    SMG x2 45 second spawn
    Brute Spiker x2 45 second spawn
    Plasma Rifle x1 45 second spawn

    Regenerator x1 120 second spawn
    Frag Grenade x2 30 second spawn
    Spike Grenade x2 30 second spawn
    Active Camo x1 180 second spawn

    Gametypewise, this map is best for 2v2. 3v3 is also good as well. I set this map up for appropriate gametypes. This includes KOTH, FFA KOTH, Team Slayer, FFA, Territories, FFA Oddball, Assult, and CTF.
    6 player FFA Is the best overall.

    As updates are made when further testing occurs, I will inform you of the date and time the update occurs. Also, please bear with me if screenshots are not updated to what the map seems. I won't say how long I spent on this map, but let me assure you, it was a good bit of time.

    What I would especially like is If I could get CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISM on spawnpoints, and weapons. If you feel that these are perfected, tell me ^_^

    Thanks so much for reading large text, which I figured is easier to notice and somewhat more interesting to read. Here are the pictures.


    This is the map's center. It is redone as shown.


    Active Camo now occupies the middle


    This is Back Wall, one of the callouts and areas of interest because it holds several weapons and a frag grenade ONLY.

    Gold Street, an unintentionally made callout. Plasma grenade removed.


    Red spawn hive/ Tunnel warparound


    One of the Spike grenades was removed here


    Views inside the tunnel


    Blue Base's Spawn hive


    Entrance to Blue Base's cave. One spike grenade also removed.


    Exit view from Blue cave



    Overview/ View of shortcut


    Blue cave inside view


    Middle hall



    Green wall, this is seen rarely in other maps I believe. Of course it includes the mauler



    Curved wall 2 (Top). Notice the drop holes that are to the right and left from the middle of the picture. The top was also changed in the update.


    Curved wall one, housing Regenerator and a Plasma Rifle


    Back wall again, at a different angle

    Download link

    >Overviews below<

    Comments anyone?

    #1 Gollygeeanelite, Aug 8, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2009
  2. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    NICE. I like small maps like these. You make your own space, and really don't deal with with the whole crypt. So, nice lighting and aesthetics. The green wall is something new. But of course I'd rather have green floor... anyway. This is above average and a foot above the competition. I'll give it a 9/10
  3. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Download Link

    Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy yourselves
    #3 Gollygeeanelite, Aug 9, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2009
  4. Hank102938

    Hank102938 Ancient
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    Your map is nice, but I don't think that some of the gametypes your suggested were the best. This map is ok forl FFA games, but teams games is what it is really designed for because of the bases. It may even too small for flag or bomb games that use standard settings esp. because of the shotcut beteween the bases. I really can't say much about gameplay to an acurate level because I have not played a game on it.

    Gameplay aside, your forging was nice in the midle area, but it got a little shifty as you forged the base areas(esp in the red base where the curved walls were not very strait and even). If I were you I would redo the bases to make it more symetrical(and maybe make red base a little more exciting). Don't make your map picture perfect symetric, but so that each team has equal advantages/disadvantages so team games can be played more fairly.

    I really like the middle structure, it was original, and the middle area in general was nice, but like I said, the base need some work.
    #4 Hank102938, Aug 9, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2009
  5. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    I agree, the map isn't exactly made for Two teams and such, but 3v3 and especially 2v2 works well. FFA is the best of course.

    The curved walls ARE even, I'm not sure how you got the idea. If your talking about the angle, then YES, the angle is a little different. I can't redo the bases for two reasons:

    1)It would take over 20 hours and I don't feel like investing that time on the areas that you spawn in team games.

    2) The map is more unique when its not symmetrical. Each team does have a fair advantage/ disadvantage. It doesn't look like it but thats the way each Guardian type map (Asymmetrical) map is like.

    Thank you, and no, the bases are fine. Play it yourself.

    *=Wait, are you looking at the map overviews?=*
  6. Hank102938

    Hank102938 Ancient
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    I hope you reread what I changed just before you posted your reply. The map had just downloaded and I took a look at it after I had submitted the reply. I just changed up a few things I thought about gameplay. Don't really pay much attention to that, cause I haven't played a game on the map yet.

    Don't get me wrong on the symetrical thing. I like asymetrical bases, but I don't like asymetrical gameplay. I'm really concerned about the sturcture that red team has(where the regenerator spawns) because there is so much cover there that the blue team doesn't have symetrically.

    And by redoing the baes I mean straitining things up not a complete overhaul. They bases not being exaclty the same isn't the probem its just the forging quality. Really, at the min. the walls in red base need fixed. I see that they are merged together nice, but the squareness of the ark on the inner walls isn't very nice looking. Maybe use columns there inorder to get a nice rounded ark.
  7. PwnsauceAddict

    PwnsauceAddict Ancient
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    sweet! looks like a small map thats big inside, i love these types of maps. I will definatley download this and try it out tommorow and get back to you

    EDIT: ok, so i downloaded and could only get a game of 1v1 on it, so i cant give you a perfect review right now. but from the game i played it seemed like the mauler was a tad to overpowering, because i would just get a br,mauler and regen most of the time and i would beast(i normally do). I do absolutley love the layout, but it didnt seem like we went anywhere other than the middle. unless we spawned elsewere we would just camp in the big room and not use the other hallways. Also it felt like there were way to many grenades. it always seemed like i had a brute grenade and every once and a while a plasma, but this promoted alot of grenade spamming. Also in one of the balcony things above the main room there was a window made out of red columns. whenever i went there it was very unusefull because i couldnt see anything other than straight across from me, i couldnt see any of the bottom of the main room. i dont know if thats how you meant it but i never used that thing because of how tall it was. The gameplay was pretty fun and from what i know the layout was original. Ill give you a 3.5/5
    #7 PwnsauceAddict, Aug 9, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2009
  8. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    OH!! to the last part. Yes, its not perfectly rounded, I encountered a forging issue when making my design. Perhaps your right, and perhaps I will make the angles all 37 degrees or whatever it is. Back to the blue base and red base issue. The regenerator IS closer to red base. Backwall has a plasma grenade and top gold street a needler. Both are closer to Blue base, so they cancel out reds regen. Also, the blue's spawn a bit closer to the mauler, BUT of couse the reds can always get the regen and the plasma rifle. Thanks for checking the map out

    I will consider fixing the red base if it bothers future unbiased testers.

    Thanks for some good Constructive Critisim...
  9. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    I loved this map when we played on it. So original and so fun. The structures are awesome, especially the central, since you spent a while designing it. Great job
  10. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Thread updated! The map had several key changes, which really bring out its goodness all over again. If you previously downloaded, redownload! The changes are great and really improve gameplay! Thank you everyone and have a nice day.
  11. ShadowSilencer

    ShadowSilencer Ancient
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    very cool looking map. It reminds me of an old game but I cant remember what game. Anyway, I'll download it. 8/10
  12. xFatalx

    xFatalx Ancient
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    From what I see aesthetics are pretty sweet and it looks like this could be really fun to play on. Can't DL right now but i will when I clear up some space.
  13. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    I have considered what you said and made necessary changes. I actually agree with your rating of 3.5/5 FOR 1v1. 2v2 and FFA though is tons of fun. I reduced the spike grenades and moved the mauler. The red column structure was made for two purposes. To allow shots to be fired at back wall and blue bases exit to the cave, and keep players from jumping down to mid. In team games, the mid would be less used.

    Thanks so much for the criticism, it really helps! Re-download and try it out!
  14. Brad is CasuaL

    Brad is CasuaL Ancient
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    Wow, I really like this map. I usually go for these smaller maps but this one just stands out. Awesomely made and the layout works great. 4.8/5!
  15. xXTxMANXx

    xXTxMANXx Ancient
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    nice job! looks really fun! cant wait to play on it!
  16. Pel

    Pel Ancient
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    What's the point of making and posting a map if you aren't willing to put time into improving it? That's a terrible attitude to have when you're reviewing feedback.

    Anyway, I like the map's aesthetics, but when I played it, I didn't like the gameplay at all. The Mauler was overpowering, since one could simply grab the Mauler and then get the Overshield. Trust me, that happened on more than one occasion, and each time it happened, the Mauler-wielding guy got at least 5 kills. Also when I played, there was too much grenade spamming, making the enjoyability of the map virtually nonexistant.

    I hope you don't take my feedback too harshly, because I just said what I thought of the map. Oh, and yes- I did download the newest version.
  17. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Okay. I told the truth. I don't want to redo the bases considering the bases are the whole map. They are perfect as is. I did put time into improving the map. I need to remove the overshield then, and I will do so. The grenade spamming is fixable as well. I already know the solution to the grenade issue, and it's easily fixable, but I wanted to avoid it. Oh well. I hope the next update will make it less crappy. I need good testers, so come Tuesday, I can test this map out better. Oh, and one last thing. I hope this CC isn't coming from a 1v1 game. Again, this is not that sort of map where 1v1 is appropriate. Fixing now.

    Edit: I removed OS, the plasma grenades, and that's about it. These fixes took me seconds, if any of the people viewing the map now wish to download, you may, and just be sure to remove these three Items. I can't put the fixes up on the internet until Tuesday, but I did my best to answer real constructive critisism as soon as possible. Perhaps these fixes will make it better suited for 1v1 as well. If you do not feel comfortable downloading, but like the map, subscribe for a download on Wednesday. Thank you.
    #17 Gollygeeanelite, Aug 16, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2009
  18. marshie 333

    marshie 333 Ancient
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    This is one that definitely caught my eye. Looks like a great doubles or FFA map as you mentioned. The weapon choice is really nice for a map this size, seems like a lot of CQC. I can't promise I'll play any games on it, but I'll DL and at least say what I think.

    Update- As I thought, I didn't play a game, but it was nice to get an idea of the map. The layout is very nice, better than it looks from the pictures IMO. Weapon and spawn placement seems good to me, although like I said I don't have and gameplay to back it up. Finally, the aesthetics are amazing, and I like how the map is actually completely enclosed.

    P.S. If you playtest this, feel free to invite me, GT marshie 333
    #18 marshie 333, Aug 16, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2009
  19. Pel

    Pel Ancient
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    That's understandable. I just thought you didn't want to fix it because you had spent so much time on the map.

    I'll be there. My GT is PELGORE, so when you're ready to test, send me an invite.

    Don't worry, it wasn't. I played a 2v2 Slayer match. That's where my feedback is coming from.
  20. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Thanks for all the feedback. I guess I was a little blind to the fact that the OS was OP for a map this small. Also, because I made 3 different types of grenades available, the grenade spamming must of gotten heavier than I forsall. I'd really appretiate it if you guys helped me test it. My old testers were lousy. I even forgot to mention their names!

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