The first stickball court appeals to me more, as many will agree. Not only are the aesthetics better, so is the lighting and the crates do better than stone. I'd give the first stickball arena a 3.5/5, and the second a 3/5. Anyway, overall this looks like fun, but isn't this like a fusion between dodgeball and grifball?
I assume so considering you have to dodge the grenades, and then you have to arm a bomb like in grifball....
Yes, it is like Grifball with stickies basically. If anyone likes intense games, then you will enjoy this.
I downloaded the first version, and it was fun, but i'm curios why you didn't make roofs. When I played people would get out of the map and stay out.
I would love to see footage of this because I have never seen someone get out of the map assuming you played with the game variant required. Unless you guys jumped on everyone's heads, and weren't playing the game, then I can honestly say I have personally never seen this happen.
This isn't that original of an idea. I've seen it before. Its kind of hard to believe it was featured on your site. It sounds really fun though, and the map looks smooth and nice but its been done before.
Oh. Well like I have said, I have never seen anyone else with a variation of this. I can say that without a doubt that you will enjoy this though! Hope you get in a game or two and lemme know what you think!
This is a pretty good idea and I like it. But as for the for the forging, It's pretty basic with not to much scenery. Then again, There's not really anywhere to put scenery
Yeah, it is not really a map that needs to look great. Although the walls (boxes) are all interlocked together, there really is no need for any fancy aesthetics. I did think of something at some point, but am not the best forger to forge it. Anyways, I am glad that you like it. It's always nice to get some good feedback
Updated the Gametype, and added the official Stickball map - Stickball Ct. With the help of GunnerGrunt's amazing aesthetics, hopefully the Stickball Ct. will be the new thing in the forging world!