I'd agree with the foundry fitting, but I'd also agree with sandbox/ghost town bridges fitting. I really don't care which we get.
do you guys think foundry walls will be on longshore? heres what i think the best forging items will be: Traxus double/single boxes foundry bridges foundry walls not great forging tools, i still tink the forums will be full of sandbox maps, but for a little bit people will be experimenting with the maps. its gon b k, i think
i dont know if anyone else has said this(im not in the mood for reading 17 pages of comments) but it looks from the confirmed picture that at least part of it should be flat, and i think it will be as forgable as last resort was. It seems like it would have the same objects (in the bottom right of the confirmed picture are the boxes, and box opens).It also has a fork lift but honestly im not looking forward to it that much, because it really reminds me of last resort. but i definatley dont think it will be a remake, not 2 remakes in one map pack
im pretty sure there are going to be traxus boxes, i think there is one in the pic. they may look a little nicer, but its harder to forge with them then foundry boxes.
I think we should have an option for movable boxes and immovable. Many a game could be reborn upon use of a combination! Oh sweet choice, a bane of a gift you are.
that would be awesome, but i don't think it is going to happen. but maybe it would be like Box, Stationary or Box, Moveable
Honestly why do people post here saying they think that it will have Traxus boxes. Look at the pic. We got em. Hopefully a new bridge. Im fine with foundry walls, but i want a new bridge
What he ^ said. Sandbox had new bridges, I think Longshore deserves some too. Plus, it has to be the TALLEST map (in matchmaking) ever. Seriously, if you're able to get on top of the roofs, how about the Last Resort-ish thing in the middle of the pic. Now, what about the other two maps? Heretic looks a little too small to put stuff, other than the assembly items. I mean, Midship was arguably the smallest map in Halo 2 (along with Foundation). But the thing is, Foundation was open and could be awesome for forging, especially if they let you get above the map and somehow block the void off surrounding the map. Citadel, from the pic and the campaign levels, looks like they remove the elevator and put in the (insert weapon or equipment here) centerpiece. If they did, it'd be AWESOME for infection games. I expect, since they confirmed it was going to be similar to the structures in The Covenant, they should have the pathway up to the elevator (except now leading to the centre of the map), and also the terminal part (across the elevator). Also, the could have the outsides where the anti-air battles take place, thus promoting it to a large map. I don't expect it though, cause I think Bungie stated that Citadel would be a medium-small map. But t, if it did, many forging possibilities would open up. Hey, it's only a month and a few days away though. Anyone else gonna be steamed if they can't get it when it comes out? I know I am. Heck, I probably can't get it till Christmas.
thanks for all the links that you are posting benji, helps me out when updating the main post. and thanks to all of you guys who have posted in this thread with good ideas and theories and thoughts, it has made for some interesting convos. all adding up to like 15 PAGES!!! once again thanks, but we do know that its not very long until this thread will not be needed anymore, but thats the exciting part.
yeah dude, post everything you can. discuss IT IS CONFRIMED, WE WILL HAVE FOUNDRY WALLS, (2nd pic) HOOOOORRRAAAYYYYY confirmed: ghosts availible ~ mongeese availible g hammer availible double traxus/single traxus box availible foundry wall/double walls availible 1 or 2 rocket launchers availible longshore has 3 levels: confirmed energy sword availible on default map. machine gun turret availible on default map. active camo confrimed shotgun availibility confirmed spikers on map confirmed Upper area (upper left in original first longshore pic) confirmed as playable area. Images IGN: Halo 3: ODST Screenshots, Wallpapers and Pics Videos IGN: Halo 3: ODST Trailer, Videos and Movies
the tunnel thing it that last picture looks sick but im not sure that those are foundry walls though edit* i thought eveyone knew it was a sword, it was in a weapon holder.
theres been a confirmation that theres a shotgun on all three maps this time [theres no shotgun on any of the first three mythic maps]
This picture shows us new possibilities for forging. Sort of the Foundry feel we loved mixed with a newer style. Look at that giant area to Forge Hooray for Longshore!