Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    The funny thing about these religions is everyone is following a book. They didn't film it or the people who were witnesses are not living. So they wrote a book I believe is called the Bible, which was written by ordinary people just like the man who wrote Cat in the Hat was ordinary. So should we go around believing that there is a seven foot cat that wear a hat and plays with children on rainy days. No, that's ignorant to say.

    The Bible has also been rewritten hundreds of times until today where it's still being modernized. I believe God is a make-believe entity to help the people of the past and present go to sleep at night, to have a warmth and closer that there is someone watching you.
  2. Proxythesant

    Proxythesant Ancient
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    Very well said. The bible may actually be a trip that some guy wrote whilst on drugs. I mean we as humans can't be sure unless a glowing light in the sky came to earth and said "i am god" we'll never know for sure
  3. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    You refute this and I'll move on.
  4. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    And Julius Caesar could be Santa... Anything in history could be made up.. Movies have colors, books have words, and speech has sound. Everything can be edited. Please don't try that argument, It's been tried before.
  5. LAY Z

    LAY Z Ancient
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    Are you serious? Science revises theories because of new discoveries on the subject.
    #2245 LAY Z, Aug 8, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2009
  6. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    Funny thing is our science books have been written based on educated guesses and facts. They have proven that organsims adapt to their surroundings, which in the long run is evolving.

    I remember a story from the Bible when I used to go to church as a child. This story said that a man made an ark and helped god purify the land. Here's the ironic part if this story is true everything and one would have died if this said 40 contant days of rain. The moisture in the air would become so thick that all organisms that breathed oxygen would drowned.

    And that is one of the hundreds of stories that have been told in so called Bible. I have a strong belief that they are fake.
  7. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    Remember the last time you used the Julius Caesar argument? I logically explained why we can be confident in his existence and why this form of argument is useless. Instead of replying again, I'm just going to ask you go back and reread my previous replies to this form of argument.
  8. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    This thread runs in cycles.
  9. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    Like The Matrix.

    I want to stop that cycle by preventing previous points that have been thrown out from coming back.
  10. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    You sir, are correct.

    You're not getting the point at all. When arguing against something, you have to address it specifically. The problem with your original statement is that words could be replaced and mean the exact same thing to a follower of the opposing belief.

    Provided you actually knew all the details, I doubt such an assumption could be made with such a vague understanding of the actual situation.

    Then I have already lost.
  11. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    450 Feet Long, 75 Feet Wide, 45 Feet High, With About 1,500,000 Cubits of free space with about 16,000 animals with two of each species. And guess what? THEY ONLY NEEDED ONE OF THE THREE FLOORS! GOSH! So that leaves the other 70% open for supplies, food, And bedrooms for the familiy. Now Remember, They Only Needed Land-Dwelling And Air-Breathing Animals!

    EDIT: Think of God this way:

    | Humanity/Sin t <-God | Impassible Gap
    V V
    ------ -------- <- Heaven
    ||||| | Hell ||||||||
    ||||| V ||||||||
    |||||________________ ||||||||

    The Only way to heaven is By God,

    When the world ends and you spending the rest of eternity burning in hell screaming at me to let you out, I'll be flying around in heaven ignoring you
    #2251 GR4V3mind117, Aug 8, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2009
  12. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    Slavery was abolished when the attitude towards Blacks changed considerably. So if the Bible is an "unwavering moral compass", why did the bible declare homosexuality as an abomination in the first place?

    Seems like god is responsible for a lot of needless suffering.

    "But what if it was the intent all along to change the order later on". Well has god announced that homosexuals shouldn't be stoned to death yet? No he hasn't. Not to mention the fact if he hadn't made it a rule it wouldn't NEED to be changed "later on". What purpose did centuries of gay oppression serve, besides obviously uniting bible followers in ignorant hatred.
  13. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Yeah but the U.S. Gov't isn't an entity. It's a hive mind of elected citizens lol. It changes its mind every two years. Its an ever evolving body of government.

    If you plan to change something you instate it must be for just reasons. For instance, as a means of progression. Do you believe commanding the death of homosexuals is an acceptable commandment when you could have opted for neutrality and then the defense of homosexuals? It's foolish and your argument is ridiculously absurd.

    God either changes his mind or he doesn't. If he does, bless him, he made a mistake and he realized it. If he doesn't, then you better be prepared to defend the radical changes of the old to new testament. You must also factor into your equation omnibenevolence and his loving and forgiving nature. Do not ignore these points. They are always under scrutiny, not just when a specific argument calls for them.

    You forget yourself.

    Do you really think it had the structural integrity to even support itself? Let's not even worry about that though. 40 days of flooding. There is NOTHING left alive but what is on that Ark. What the hell do the herbivores eat when they get off and what do the carnivores eat when they get off? Why do marsupials all inexplicably, and exclusively head to Austrailia? Why do parrots fly to rain-forests and pigeons to the steppes of Asia? How do these animals segregate themselves? What about inbreeding? Why did the two of each kind stick together? Its hard for endangered species to find a mate how did ALL the CRITICALLY ENDANGERED species find a mate so quickly? And what are the odds that they would both travel to the same location to breed?

    Or why not just take the animals to heaven? Was the Ark really that necessary? Or just make them again. Why not? You just killed every living animal besides two of each kind, would it really be that big of a dent to kill those too? Why bother killing the animals, they were innocent. Why not just magically kill all the humans and spare the earth the tragedy of the flood?

    The stupid. IT BURNS.

    I wanted to question your morals, ethics, nobility, heroism, and compassion but I found something that makes me feel so much better and hopefully makes you feel so much worse: You're a *****, dude.
    #2253 Nitrous, Aug 8, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2009
  14. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    Whatever, like i said, While your spending eternity burning in hell, Screaming your dead head off at me to get you out of that hellhole (Pun Totally Intended) I'll be flying around in Heaven having the time of my afterlife

    Oh and the last four words of your post i did not find offensive at all.

    Hope you enjoy hell, 'Cause i won't be there
    #2254 GR4V3mind117, Aug 8, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2009
  15. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Who would be making him do it, then? Does the devil have a gun up to his head, forcing him to send people to hell?
    But why would people be erased if your god obviously doesn't care about animals?
    Maybe I don't believe in him because he doesn't SHOW himself. Christ...
    Very Christian-like.
    What a completely ignorant statement. I thought you people were supposed to have morals...
  16. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    ok, just give me 2 seconds to completely destroy ur arguement.

    VVV all quotes by GreatJedi7 VVV

    "40 days of flooding. There is NOTHING left alive but what is on that Ark. He's God. He made them invulnerable or something"

    so the bible is a literal document to be taken word-for-word one minute, and then it's a fill-in-the-blank storybook the next?

    "and what do the carnivores eat when they get off? Whatever can't defend itself"

    so as soon as they get off the boat, any animal eaten by a carnivore immediatly goes extinct. ur one sentence explanations r lacking in teh logic dept.

    "Why do marsupials all inexplicably, and exclusively head to Austrailia? Why do parrots fly to rain-forests and pigeons to the steppes of Asia? How do these animals segregate themselves? What about inbreeding? Why did the two of each kind stick together? Its hard for endangered species to find a mate how did ALL the CRITICALLY ENDANGERED species find a mate so quickly? And what are the odds that they would both travel to the same location to breed? Seriously, Thats like asking some random guy when its going to snow in hell"

    ok, wtf. not only does this not makes sense, it is completely irrelavent to ANYTHING in this debate.

    i could go on and on, but i wont because i dont think i need to insult your inteligence anymore than you already have. best i can tell, ALL of your arguements are unfounded crap that you pulled out of your ass. you give all christians a bad name, and make us all sound like uneducated closeminded fanatics. im christian, and i believe in jesus, but argueing that the story of Noa and the Ark was a historical event is a loosing battle and one that no inteligent person would attempt. and yes, you are a ***** :D
    #2256 sourdauer, Aug 8, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2009
  17. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    I'm sorry for going off topic for everyone, but I must ask this guy something.

    Can you please not type in white or yellow, if you are viewing a light skin it's impossible to read what you are typing without highlighting.

    Thanks if you change it.
  18. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    No, you probably won't and regardless of whether it exists or not, I'd rather you be in heaven than hell.

    I'll humor a response to, 'counter-argument.'

  19. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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  20. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    I have a question. What is the point in the 10 Commandments? Aren't they just other sins which can be forgiven? Like, if you've murdered someone, and murder is one of the 10, can you like, not go to heaven then? I mean, why not list other sins then?
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